Challenges for Indonesia as a tropical country in facing extreme climate change

Climate change is a global disaster whose magnitude is estimated to be the same as the Covid-19 pandemic. Later, no country will be able to escape or be free from the threat of climate change. Climate change is a real global threat and has been studied by various scientists who describe that the world is Read More

COP26 and the Future of our Climate

Written by Sofia Oloyede 01/12/2021 In her passionate speech at the ‘Youth4Climate’ convention, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg criticises world leaders and their approach to the climate crisis. The event was held prior to the highly awaited COP26 conference, where leaders congregate and discuss how they will approach the ever-growing climate-related issues of our world. COP26 Read More

Sofia from London: A Very Short Introduction

Grab yourself a cup of tea before you read! Who am I? This was a surprisingly difficult question to answer. I’ll start with the basics. My name is Sofia. I am 20 years old, and I am from London. My mother is Austrian, and my father is Nigerian. I am very proud to be from Read More

Not Quite 73 Questions with Sadie | A Vogue Inspired Interview

The Wonderful World of Vogue An interview like this is usually conducted in a video format and focuses on the interesting and everchanging lives of celebrities. The world of Vogue is one where celebrities flaunt their fabulous houses, incredibly healthy diets, and flawless skincare routines for our consumption. We are bombarded with models, actors and Read More

How Reputation Gets In The Way of Reparations

The Battle For Hearts And Minds To Achieve A Better World.  London is a city that can be comfortably prosecuted as guilty for its crimes against the environment. The concrete landscape is impressive, filled with the old and new. An efficient transportation system runs like streams below but above, lies a lack of bike lanes Read More

The Czech Republic, a country where climate change does not exist?

November 17 is one of the most important Czech holidays. It is also the latest one. On 17 November 1989, the Velvet Revolution began, a non-violent transition of power in Czechoslovakia. The riot police suppressed a student demonstration in Prague on International Student’s Day. On the street, where it hapenned – Národní/National street – there Read More

Set sail in the sea of green dream

An idea ignited a green dream. In the year 1998, the Yangtze River suffered a massive basin-wide flood. The destruction of vegetation in the middle and upper streams of the Yangtze River, which was exposed during the disastrous flood, caught the attention of seven girls, including Yan Yun. Soon afterwards, in 1999, when everyone saw using Read More

Single Use Plastic

We all know the world is facing a huge problem: climate change. This is a problem with many faces. Think about the food industry, using gas for cars, and global warming. Maybe you can think of another one? Let me give you a hint: you use it daily and only one time. Single-use plastic.  Our Read More

Klimawandel in Rheinland-Pfalz und ganz Deutschland

Flutkatastrophe im Ahrtal  Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind auch im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz spürbar. Diese Veränderungen zeigen sich sowohl in der Natur als auch in der Ökonomie oder Gesundheit des Landes. Ganz besonders die Flutkatastrophe im Ahrtal hat im letzten Sommer gezeigt, wie stark der Klimawandel in Rheinland-Pfalz vorangeschritten ist. Starkregen hatte am 14. Und 15. Read More

How can such a small country make the difference?

Blog post by Ana Mafalda Cabral At the edge of Europe, a small country faces the challenges of Climate Change. Portugal is a Southern European country with a 943 Kilometers coastline, which makes Ocean pollution an extremely relevant matter. Frederico Morais, also Known as Kikas, a Portuguese pro surfer dedicates his time to explain to Read More

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