You can take the girl out of the island, but you’ll never take the island out of the girl

Hi there! I’ll take a wild guess and say you don’t imagine where I can possibly come from after reading those first words (little hint: read them again), but as I’m introducing myself, I might also tell you something more!  My name is Alejandra, but I ALWAYS go by Ale. ALWAYS (the capital letters are Read More

Meine Zeit in Deutschland

Servus! Ich bin es, Ihr freundlicher amerikanischer Ross. Ich schreibe diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch, so dass Sie mich hoffentlich gut genug verstehen können. Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass ich nun schon seit 5 Monaten in Deutschland lebe. Die Zeit vergeht manchmal wirklich schnell. In dieser Zeit habe ich viele neue Leute kennen gelernt und Read More

Is being Vegan safe?

This new trend of starting to eat as a vegan from such an early age can become dangerous. Parents influencing them to be vegan or vegetarian but not teaching them how to properly take care of themselves leads to unhealthy diets and health problems. My sister became a vegan after my dad did. My dad Read More

Fake News is a Crime

Fake News is a term often touted and thrown about on social media and in the news. One of United States President Donald Trump’s favorite canned quips is to call someone or something “Fake News” when it does not favor him. With the rise of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, the influence Read More

w(e)ed like to be listened to

We(e)d like to be listened to. And we made it clear. Activism toward cannabis legalisation proliferates in Europe and the world, especially in recent years. Not only medical, but also recreational use is advocated and would be greeted by many as a great news. However, governments seem completely dumb to these requests, and no referendum Read More

The Dream of a Connected World

It all began with the dream of a connect world; now this very same dream is setting the world apart. Who can say that has never accepted the terms and conditions of any social platform online without reading it first? I certainly cannot. And, my guess, neither can you. That is why we are completely Read More


“I fear the day when technology surpasses our humanity. The world will only have one generation of idiots ”Albert Einstein. Social networks are becoming increasingly important in our lives. Surely you will agree with this statement, not only has allowed us to reduce distance and time by the rapid transfer of information, networks make us Read More

What do children know about sex?

Necessity of sex education in schools is a controversial question. Many older people consider it inappropriate to speak about intimacy with children openly. However, does it really make sense? I can speak for sure about my native country. Therefore, in Russia there is no sex education at basic obligatory schools at all. The system works Read More

Do Americans Understand Friendship?

American friendships are superficial. Period. It has taken nearly a decade for me to come to this realization.  I have spent more time in my twenties as an ex-pat than I have as an American living in the United States.   The problem doesn’t just lie within social relationships but also within lifestyles. Americans are consumers.  Read More

Technology: Do we control it or does IT control us?

Parents of young kids who have been using technology in order to entertain them have realized a basic truth: they lost the battle. Their kids are now dependent on the screens to be entertained.  It is a fact that we live on a new technological era, in which our technological devices have become fundamental in Read More

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