Trip to Schloss Neuschwanstein 

If you’re visiting Bavaria, you can’t miss the famous Neuschwanstein Castle that served as inspiration for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. It was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century on the ruins of two medieval castles. Neuschwanstein is located in southern Bavaria, near the Alps and the Austrian border. It’s a Read More

Cheers to Memories and a Heartfelt Auf Wiedersehen: My Munich Adventure Comes to an End

As the the breath of the end hovers above my winter semester at LMU University in Munich, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that unfolded over the past few months. From embracing the vibrant international atmosphere to discovering hidden corners of the city, my Erasmus+ experience has been nothing but exciting. However, Read More

Opinion Piece- Cultural Canon: A Missed Connection with Teenagers’ Sub-Cultural Allure

The Swedish government’s recent proposal to establish a “cultural canon” reflects an earnest desire to preserve national identity, but it risks disconnecting with the very demographic it aims to engage — teenagers. In a world where sub-cultures dominate youth interests, the idea of a fixed cultural canon seems out of touch with the evolving tastes Read More

Zwischen Gipfel und Täler: Axpo Vision für nachhaltige Energie in den Glarner Alpen enthüllt

Im ruhigen Hinterland des Schweizer Kantons Glarus, eingebettet in die majestätischen Glarner Alpen, beschreitet Axpo, die Schweizer Vorreiterin für erneuerbare Energien, den Weg zu einer neu definierten und nachhaltigen Energielandschaft. Im Zentrum steht dabei das Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Limmern (PSWL), ein technologisches Wunderwerk, das für das konsequente Engagement der Axpo für innovative Energielösungen steht.  Doch hinter der Fassade Read More

Learning to “be human” – Giada’s experience as obstetrician in Ethiopia

At the end of April 2023, Giada left her home country (Italy) to live an experience of three months in an Ethiopian hospital, doing what she is studying for: to become an obstetrician. “I would say that going to Africa has always been a dream for me. However, I don’t mean Africa as a continent, Read More

Venice: between fairytale and nightmare

“There is a glorious City in the Sea.The Sea is in the broad, the narrow streets,Ebbing and flowing; and the salt sea-weedClings to the marble of her palaces.No track of men, no footsteps to and fro,Lead to her gates. The path lies o’er the Sea,Invisible; and from the land we went,As to a floating City Read More

How can such a small country make the difference?

Blog post by Ana Mafalda Cabral At the edge of Europe, a small country faces the challenges of Climate Change. Portugal is a Southern European country with a 943 Kilometers coastline, which makes Ocean pollution an extremely relevant matter. Frederico Morais, also Known as Kikas, a Portuguese pro surfer dedicates his time to explain to Read More

The Born Identity: a conversation about identity and cultural backgrounds

Being the child of two generations of emigrants is not always easy, and it can sometimes pose challenges to the perception of one’s own identity. I have investigated these implications with my friend Basem. Read More