“The Dorf”

Olympic Village? As a student accommodation? Living in an 850.000 square meter park? My curiosity ignited Multiple trains of thought as soon as I saw the email informing me I would live in a two-floor bungalow in the Olydorf for six months.  The city of Munich has been facing a housing crisis for a few years now. According Read More

Getting a job on Erasmus

Here is a guide to future Erasmus students planning to take a job during their stay : Good part, the money. Bad part depends on you. Coming to Munich as an Erasmus student, I was not planning to get a job for two reasons : First, I felt like the interesting part of the Erasmus Read More

My Growth in 11 months in Munich

Time has passed amazingly fast and finally my last day in Munich is coming. Staying here for 11 months is the best experience ever. Here in this introduction post, I declared two goals for this semester. Let’s see how I accomplished these goals #traveling I am so happy that I finally could travel to other Read More

See you, Munich

After this exchange semester in Munich, there are many aspects of the city that I am going to miss. The most prominent is the beautiful nature that is always close at hand. One of the reasons I wanted to go to Munich in the beginning was because it is a big city close to the Read More

Not a ‘goodbye’, but a ‘see you later’

I cannot believe the time has come to say goodbye to Munich. Four months ago, the road before me was seemingly endless, but now I can finally see the end. This has truly been one of the best experiences of my life. While I knew it would be rewarding, I don’t think I could have Read More

Leave a meal for the future

I have always liked a story about farewell in an ancient Chinese novel. A person met another person in the mountains. Then They traveled together and spent a few pleasant days. One of them wanted to treat the other person to one more meal when they went to the next place. But because of some Read More

Though the music ends, the people remain.

As the UEFA Euro 2024 draws to a close, so does my academic journey in Munich. I am about to bid farewell to this city rich in history and culture. Living in Europe has been a true blessing, especially for someone from a small island. The convenience of being able to take a train and Read More

5 Months, 5 Things To Remember

Honestly, I find it terrific to have a chance to write such a farewell to conclude my exchange semester since it can “force” me to sit down in front of my laptop and type something rather than do it in my mind only. The past 5 months have made me realize that time can fly. Read More

Bidding farewell to Munich

A farewell rarely feels like it’s coming at the right time. Also my upcoming departure from Munich feels like it’s arriving way too soon – right at the moment when I’ve finally settled into the city. Three months ago I arranged myself a subtenant, held my birthday party only a couple days before my departure Read More

Prost, Munich !

After a second semester in Munich, I am finally returning home at the end of July. It was very interesting to see how different the winter and summer semesters were. Even though I explored Munich, its museums and its christmas markets, the mood of the city totally switched when I came back in April : Read More

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