My Growth in 11 months in Munich

Time has passed amazingly fast and finally my last day in Munich is coming. Staying here for 11 months is the best experience ever. Here in this introduction post, I declared two goals for this semester. Let’s see how I accomplished these goals #traveling I am so happy that I finally could travel to other Read More

Leave a meal for the future

I have always liked a story about farewell in an ancient Chinese novel. A person met another person in the mountains. Then They traveled together and spent a few pleasant days. One of them wanted to treat the other person to one more meal when they went to the next place. But because of some Read More

5 Months, 5 Things To Remember

Honestly, I find it terrific to have a chance to write such a farewell to conclude my exchange semester since it can “force” me to sit down in front of my laptop and type something rather than do it in my mind only. The past 5 months have made me realize that time can fly. Read More

Bidding farewell to Munich

A farewell rarely feels like it’s coming at the right time. Also my upcoming departure from Munich feels like it’s arriving way too soon – right at the moment when I’ve finally settled into the city. Three months ago I arranged myself a subtenant, held my birthday party only a couple days before my departure Read More

Prost, Munich !

After a second semester in Munich, I am finally returning home at the end of July. It was very interesting to see how different the winter and summer semesters were. Even though I explored Munich, its museums and its christmas markets, the mood of the city totally switched when I came back in April : Read More

Finding home away from home: My Erasmus adventure

Wow, it’s crazy how fast time flies! It feels like I just got here, and now it’s already time to say goodbye. Moving away for university was one thing, but living in a whole other country has been a totally different experience. I’ve learned so much along the way. This exchange has really helped me Read More

Auf Wiedersehen, but not goodbye

As the sun sets on my exchange semester at LMU, I actually can’t find a word to express the depth of gratitude and emotions. This experience filled with moments of learning, growth, and unforgettable memories. I’ve become a braver person here. When I arrived on the other side of the continent on a nearly 20-hour Read More

How did my 5 months in Munich change me?

Time flies – I feel like I just came to Munich a few weeks ago but in practice my first semester is ending very soon. It was my first time living in Germany, living abroad for more than a month, and living by myself. I believe, overall, the experience here helped me try to be a Read More

The worst thing about Munich

The worst thing about Munich is the thought of leaving it. It’s been 5 months since I’ve been here, I’ve got to know everything. I made new friends, learned a few things from my courses, and even learned some German.I got here at the end of September. I had a week to settle in, and then the terror massacre on October 7th Read More

Munich, see you next time.

Hi Munich, this is my 119th day here. In Samuel’s (coming soon) farewell video, I said that coming here for an exchange was the best decision I’ve ever made. This is true, I love the beautiful and conducive learning environment at LMU, cherish the room I meticulously decorated in Olydorf, and appreciate the cleanliness and safety of the Read More

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