Protecting the next generation: Australia’s bold social media ban for minors

Social media have become an integral part of daily life, especially among young people.But what happens when access to these platforms begins to deeply influence our self-perception?Australia has decided to tackle this issue head-on by banning the use of social media for those under 16. This measure raises crucial questions about the mental health of Read More

The Gender Triangle of Violence——How Females Become Invisible Criminals in Male Violence

On November 11, 2024, in Zhuhai, China, a 62-year-old man drove into a fitness plaza, killing 35 and injuring 43, one of China’s deadliest attacks since 2014. This is not isolated—five similar incidents occurred in a month. Post-pandemic pressures and depression, especially in Eastern countries, are increasingly manifesting as social violence. Not only triggered a Read More

Opinion Piece- Cultural Canon: A Missed Connection with Teenagers’ Sub-Cultural Allure

The Swedish government’s recent proposal to establish a “cultural canon” reflects an earnest desire to preserve national identity, but it risks disconnecting with the very demographic it aims to engage — teenagers. In a world where sub-cultures dominate youth interests, the idea of a fixed cultural canon seems out of touch with the evolving tastes Read More

All your efforts will down the drain under the new government?

New Year is coming, but some youth are under considerable pressure. We are going to welcome the new year soon, but the season of Japan’s entrance exam is coming as well. However, the statement regarding the policy of entrance exam by Japan’s Education minister Shinsuke Suematsu has caused a stir. Taking the situation of Omicron Read More