Hello Second Semester… or Should I Say Hallo!
Authors . UncategorizedHallo! Ich heiße Lucy und ich komme aus England. Ich studiere “International Business with Communications”. Don’t worry non-German speakers, my whole blog post will not continue with such fluency in German… I have been in Munich now for eight months, eight months that have flown by so quickly it seems strange to type it. In November I introduced myself on this blog, and now it is time to have a little recap on my introduction.
I spoke about how Munich confused me since the day I arrived, and this is still true. I need assistance from my friends to navigate the LSF website to sign up to get my student card, I still sometimes stare blank faced when someone asks me a question in the street but slowly but surely Munich is making a bit more sense to me. I can order (sometimes when prompted) in German, I can navigate the U-Bahns with confidence, I can read some signs, understand some words in overheard conversations and I even bought myself a dirndl.

Always trying new elements of the German culture…
My time in Munich has taught me to always persevere with learning, and to enjoy every opportunity to see something a bit different here. I came to Munich to experience and live amongst a different culture for a year, and this has certainly been true. I feel immersed and comfortable living here and enjoy the small quirks and interesting elements of German culture, and found my time back in the UK during the semester break almost harder to adjust back to.
Munich so far has given me a lot of confidence to stretch outside of my comfort zone and to see a bit more of the world. I hope this semester is more of the same, I can’t quite believe my time here is coming to an end soon. I would love to continue taking interesting classes, hop on a few more Flix buses and RyanAir flights to see new corners of the world and just keep exploring the great city of Munich that I have come to love.
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