The Significant Chapter of my Life.
I’m Ann and I am born and raised in Hong Kong, one of the busiest cities worldwide in Asia. I would regard myself as a typical city dweller, that have got used to the city life and could never get tired of it. For instance, I have used to the 24/7 opening hours of various stores in Hong Kong, the night transport, every crowded streets on a Sunday…… Indeed, Munich is another big city in the world. However, talking about night life, I am still adapting to the living style here.

Why Munich? That’s a question that everyone asks when they know I am an exchange student from Hong Kong.
First of all, with no doubts, Europe is a popular destination among Asian students. Because of the distance, it might be the once-in-a-lifetime chance that you can stay in a European country for that long without paying much. For me, there’s no exception. After my first Europe trip in the UK and the Netherlands, I have fallen in love with the continent, which has reinforced my mind of coming to one of the major European countries for my academic exchange.
Second, Germany is such a historical country that I would love to visit. Since I have studied the World Wars history in details, I have been wanting to visit Germany some time to witness the trace of history. Munich, in particular is a prominent city in the pages of history of Germany. As a big fan of historical architecture, this city is somewhere that I know I would love before I came here.
Third, Germany is such a paradise for travelholics. One of the major reasons that I would like to go on exchange is that Germany is located at the heart of Europe- that travelling would be much easier (and more affordable). Of course, I have seized every chance to travel around Europe these days. After my Deutsch course in March, I have visited London, Edinburgh, the Scottish highlands, Iceland, the Czech Republic, Austria and the Netherlands. In the next weeks, I will be going Spain and Switzerland with friends. Every travelling experience is a piece of unique memory for my exchange journey, as well as my life experience.

Since my arrival at Munich in March, I have been embracing the diversity and the vibe of the city that I have never encountered before. I believe that it would be one of my favourite city in Europe as when you compare Munich to other major cities in Europe, it is way safer. As a typical HongKonger, safety is always a top concern.
I have always wanting to have a solo trip on my own- as the youngest daughter in family, it might be something difficult. Despite the potential objections from family, I have booked the flight tickets to Dublin in June to kickstart my beginning of solo trip. I am looking forward to it definitely as it would be one of the breakthroughs in life!
Time flies and there are only 3.5 months left for my stay in Germany. Undoubtedly, I miss everything in Hong Kong: my family, friends, food…… Still, I understand that being on an exchange is certainly a precious opportunity that I should get the best out of it and to grasp every moment to do whatever I want to do but I haven’t.
Upon the completion of the course and also the semester, when I look back into this blog post, I believe that I would feel contented and proud of myself.

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