Visit to Deutsches Museum
Culture . Excursions . MediaThe LMU offers a course for exchange students with field trips to get to know the media landscape of Germany and Munich. The first trip within this course was to the press office of Deutsches Museum. The students got to visit the current exhibitions and get to know the work of the press officer.
Due to construction and renovation a big part of the museum is closed for a long time. That doesn’t mean the whole museum is closed, but parts of it. For the press office it is a challenge to still attract visitors. Our students got to learn about how the press officer is leading the advertising campaign, to get people to visit the parts of the museum that are open. Also, the museum shows transparency to make the tax payer understand where their money goes.
The students were very interested in the work of a press office in a museum and learned a lot about how managing a museum in the German media world works. Thanks to Deutsches Museum!

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