Donato Bendicenti: thirty years of journalism between politics and Europe

(Image source: Instagram profile @donatobendicenti) Telling politics with a european perspectiveDonato Bendicenti is one of the most well-known faces in Italian and European political journalism. With over thirty years of experience, he has closely followed key moments in national and international politics, working for Tg1 and later as head of the Rai bureau in Brussels. Read More

Jenny Holzer: Line of Light, art as a universal language

By Elisa Zuliani Jenny Holzer is one of the most influential figures in contemporary art, known for revolutionizing visual language as an expressive tool. Since the 1970s, she has transformed simple, direct phrases into powerful works of art that stimulate critical reflection on themes such as power, violence, and human rights. Her famous Truisms, created Read More

Fabrizio Dragosei: Fifty years in journalism, from field reporting to foreign correspondence

(Image: Giornale Sentire) By Elisa Zuliani Fabrizio Dragosei is an italian journalist and writer with a 50-year career in the media world, best known for his work as a foreign correspondent for Corriere della Sera. From his first experience at Rai in London to his years in Moscow, he has always maintained a strong investigative journalism Read More

Is sustainable travel for Exchange students possible? LMU’s Green Travel contest and student experiences

By Elisa Zuliani Tackling the environmental challenges of international travel during Erasmus is not easy, but initiatives such as the Green Travel Contest at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich prove that sustainable travel is possible. Launched in autumn 2024, the contest invited students to choose low-carbon means of transport, such as trains, buses or carpooling, Read More

Protecting the next generation: Australia’s bold social media ban for minors

Social media have become an integral part of daily life, especially among young people.But what happens when access to these platforms begins to deeply influence our self-perception?Australia has decided to tackle this issue head-on by banning the use of social media for those under 16. This measure raises crucial questions about the mental health of Read More

My Second Chance

My name is Elisa, I am 21 years old and I come from Bolzano, a fascinating bilingual town in South Tyrol, Italy. I study Communication Sciences and Culture at my hometown University, a trilingual bachelor’s program in Italian, German and English. This winter semester, I find myself here in Munich, like all of you, to Read More