Tourist Traps – Go Ahead and Get Caught in Them.

Tourist Trap: noun: a place that attracts many tourists and where goods and services are more expensive than normal. Beware of the tourist trap, don’t get scammed, make sure you stay off the beaten track and there you can truly feel the authentic meaning of travel. Lies. This is not true. If you are lucky Read More

“Smelly Oaks” – Student Heaven or a Dangerous First Home for Young People?

  Selly Oak, or as it is affectionately called Smelly Oak, is a residential area in South West Birmingham. It is nestled closely next to The University of Birmingham, one of the biggest universities in the UK, and most students chose Selly Oak to be their home in their second and third years of studies. Read More

How YOU can Engage for a Common Future!

  In a world where debates focus on the fight for gender equality and also centre around campaigns for a healthier planet for all, it is hard sometimes to find a clear voice amongst all the hashtags and demonstrations we see everyday. I first heard about Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) from a Read More

Hello Second Semester… or Should I Say Hallo!

Hallo! Ich heiße Lucy und ich komme aus England. Ich studiere “International Business with Communications”. Don’t worry non-German speakers, my whole blog post will not continue with such fluency in German… I have been in Munich now for eight months, eight months that have flown by so quickly it seems strange to type it. In Read More

Looking Back to Look Forward

New year, it’s a time for resolutions and new beginnings. Maybe you will finally join that gym or start drinking green smoothies every morning? I never really make new year’s resolutions, as I don’t see the point in waiting till a day in January to make a change in your life. Making changes in your Read More

Cultural Experiences. Brummies and the Bavarians.

I am from the middle of nowhere. Imagine a tiny country village with houses, cows and a bus stop with a bus that comes every hour. Then imagine that but more remote, and that is South Horrington. Yep google it, it’s just houses. Culture to me was any big city, some new people and a Read More

A disruption yet appreciation of nature

English countryside, what do you expect… fields of flowers, rolling hills, quaint villages and maybe a small country pub filled with Shakespeare, Queen Victoria and JK Rowling sipping tea. To appreciate the country that bought the world Brexit, fish and chips and chicken tikka masala many people turn to our beautiful landscapes. I come from Read More

What is in a name…

This time last year, I discovered that Munich had two names. I had just submitted my Erasmus paperwork, and was discussing the exciting feeling with an Erasmus student from Sweden. He asked me where I had picked to study: “Munich!” “What, where is that?” “Hmm, Stefan I think you’ll find it’s the second biggest city Read More