ELI-s with inverted roof-KA

My name is Eliška, or maybe it would be easier to write Elishka so you can pronounce it better. My Instagram name is Eli_pol, so many people call me by that nickname. It is a combination of my name and surname (Polejová). I come from Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. Not Czechoslovakia Read More

This is me, Andreea

A bit about myself Hi! My name is Andreea, I’m 20 years old and I’m half Romanian and half Italian. Originally I was born in Romania and then I moved to Italy at the age of 5 with my parents. That was a though decision but at the same time if I my family would Read More

How to answer that question of yours

“Why Munich?”. A question that I was asked so many times that I started posing it to myself. I was asked it back home; I was asked it here. Both by internationals and by locals, people who, funnily, have chosen to live in the same city, but still make me feel as if my decision Read More

Self Introduction – Praewah (Siraya Petchpul)

Hi! My name is Praewah I’m 21 years old from Thailand, and I study communication management at Chulalongkorn University. My hometown is in the capital city of Thailand, Bangkok. It’s a very busy city, especially in terms of traffic. The thing I miss most is how cheap and accessible food is there compared to here. Read More

I thought I could survive Zoom without burning out. I was wrong.

Computer-mediated communication has made everything possible in the digital dimension. But it comes at a price, as the human mind and body is exhausted. Luckily, we can do something about it. “I’m not a cat.” What a hilarious statement. Mr. Ponton, a lawyer who was attending an online hearing on Zoom, attempted to claim his Read More

Care about human rights? Stop watching football

Football is far from the innocent game of fun that it used to be when I was a child. Nowadays it’s heavenly influenced by oil money from countries with somewhat questionable “human rights”. This week, the Spanish Super Cup is played. Four Spanish top teams competing in a small Spanish tournament. But it doesn’t take Read More

Corona Proteste in Deutschland: Ist der Wahnsinn noch zu (s)toppen?

Natürlich sollten friedliche Proteste, welches Thema sie auch betreffen, zulässig sein. Und selbstverständlich gibt es zu keinem Thema eine 100 Prozent einheitliche Meinung. Leider sind die aktuellen Corona Proteste bei weitem nicht mehr als friedlich einzustufen. Bei diesen „Spaziergängen“ wird massenhaft gegen das Gesetz verstoßen und vor Gewalt gegenüber der Polizei nicht zurückgeschreckt. Die Mehrheit Read More

Get Your Hands “Dirty” in Germany

For the general public, throwing rubbish into the right bins could be a great starting point for environmental protection. Best Recycling Rate Around the Globe When I first moved into the Olympisches Dorf in September, my eyes were immediately caught by its intense colorfulness – not just those exquisitely-painted facades of the bungalows but also Read More

If COVID never happened, how would we known each other …?

Today, I did an interview with my friend, Anjali Nautiyal. How did we get to know each other? She’s my language partner (Tandem partner): we’ve known each other for “mutual language practice”. Due to COVID, many of exchange students couldn’t study in Japan. Additionally, we had less opportunities to communicate with them. I also expected Read More

Amy Zhou: “Cheerleading is part of who I am”

“Cheerleading, for me, is a life-changing hobby!” says Amy Zhou, a PE teacher working at an international school in Shanghai, also a dear friend of mine. She always has a splendid smile, pumped with energy and enthusiasm. When she was still a college student, she encountered with one of the most influential and renowned cheerleading Read More

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