The importance of responsible journalism – Interview with Dr. Lisa Auffenberg

8th January 2024 – Group interview with Dr. Lisa Auffenberg In this interview with Dr. Lisa Auffenberg, a distinguished science journalist and LMU lecturer, we delve into the intricacies of conveying complex scientific topics to the public together with the other emerging trends in journalism. Dr. Auffenberg shares her insights on the challenges and responsibilities Read More

How did my 5 months in Munich change me?

Time flies – I feel like I just came to Munich a few weeks ago but in practice my first semester is ending very soon. It was my first time living in Germany, living abroad for more than a month, and living by myself. I believe, overall, the experience here helped me try to be a Read More

Cheers to Munich: A chapter concludes, another unfolds

Hello there! Time flies, and I find myself writing my final post here with a mix of nostalgia and excitement. The journey from familiar Zurich to the vibrant corners of Munich has been a true rollercoaster. Let’s rewind a bit.  When I first mentioned that Munich would be my exchange destination, many doubted it because Read More

Leaving my heart in Munich

I scroll through my camera roll and I jump into the first picture I took when arriving in Munich.  It shows a beautiful sunset and I remember being in the car with my parents and my suitcases full of happiness, expectations, desires and fears. Spending a semester here was a big step through the path Read More

Being a woman and a business owner in Italy

Who is Laura? She is a tailor specialized in curtains, upholstery and home furnishings.  Her dream in the drawer was to open her tailor studio since she was a little girl, but the path to reach her goal was long.  Here is Laura’s answer to how it feels to be a mother and a businesswoman Read More

Munich experiences, the best erasmus semester one could ask

Dear Munich, As the winter semester is coming to an end, it is time to say goodbye. I have never been good to say goodbye, but I am sure this won’t be the last time I’ll experience this city.  During the last months I discovered a part of myself that I did know about. Since Read More

Cheers to Memories and a Heartfelt Auf Wiedersehen: My Munich Adventure Comes to an End

As the the breath of the end hovers above my winter semester at LMU University in Munich, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that unfolded over the past few months. From embracing the vibrant international atmosphere to discovering hidden corners of the city, my Erasmus+ experience has been nothing but exciting. However, Read More

This is not a farewell, just a goodbye!

Dear Munich, This experience started with a letter, so it should also end with another! The moment of saying goodbye is always the most difficult when you have spent one of the most beautiful periods of your life! So much has happened during these months: I met new people, made very special friends and had Read More

Munich Diaries: From First Impressions to Lasting Memories

I can’t start this post with any expression different to: “Wow”. It’s going to be really difficult to talk about this experience and put in words all the feelings. experiences and people.  I think the best form to start this post is talking about this city: Munich. I remember the first time I set foot Read More

The Impact of Social Media on Youth’s Self-Esteem and Self-Image

In our information-driven society, social media has become an essential part of our society. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Twitter are now crucial aspects of our daily lives and significantly influence users’ perception of themselves and their self-esteem. Read More

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