Big eyes, small stomach: Food waste in Israel
Climate Change . Food . Health“An army marches on its stomach” said Napoleon. Moreover, back in 1800 Napoleon tried to find a cheap and effective way to preserve food for soldiers on military missions. If Napoleon lived today, and saw the waste of food in the Israeli army, he might have died a second time. This time, out of shame. About 150,000 soldiers serve in the IDF
Waving a Green Future: Environmental Education in Madrid
Authors . Climate Change . Health . SocietyThis comprehensive report explores the intricate tapestry of environmental education in Madrid, uncovering the city’s proactive stance in addressing ecological challenges through educational channels. From grassroots initiatives within schools to overarching community projects, this analysis delves deep into how Madrid is actively shaping the minds of future generations committed to sustainability. Throughout this exploration, we aim to shed light on the progress made, the challenges faced, and the pivotal role played by the integration of sustainability into the educational fabric of Madrid.
Greening the Fragrant Harbor: Hong Kong’s Battle Against Plastic Pollution and the Plastic Bag Fee Revolution
Climate Change . Covid-19In the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, where towering skyscrapers harmonise with the natural beauty of the coastline, a presenting environmental issue threatens the city’s delicate balance – plastic pollution. The convenience-driver surge in single-use plastics, coupled with challenges in waste management, has transformed the picturesque shores into a battleground against the persistent tide of

With the boot(s) in the water
Authors . Climate Change . SocietyAlthough the climate keeps changing, the institutions continue to be absent, leaving the population and the Italian peninsula under water. But the younger generation promptly repairs the gaps left by the government. A cold, dark cellar, completely submerged by mud and water. Sofia is in there and tries to help to free the cellar from
Zwischen Gipfel und Täler: Axpo Vision für nachhaltige Energie in den Glarner Alpen enthüllt
Authors . Climate Change . Culture . ExcursionsIm ruhigen Hinterland des Schweizer Kantons Glarus, eingebettet in die majestätischen Glarner Alpen, beschreitet Axpo, die Schweizer Vorreiterin für erneuerbare Energien, den Weg zu einer neu definierten und nachhaltigen Energielandschaft. Im Zentrum steht dabei das Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Limmern (PSWL), ein technologisches Wunderwerk, das für das konsequente Engagement der Axpo für innovative Energielösungen steht. Doch hinter der Fassade
Umwelt und Natur schützen : Umweltinstitut München
Climate Change . Health . Media30th November 2023 – Group Interview at Umweltinstitut München In a recent interview with the PR team of the Umweltinstitut München, Sandra Enoch and Jurek Vengels informed us about their work as head of online marketing and campaign planner. They shed light on their communication strategy with the aim to spread awareness on environmental issues
My top 5 tips to a more sustainable life
Authors . Climate Change . ControversyThis is it, my very last post on this platform. Thank you, Miriam, for allowing me to write about anything I want. I considered topics we covered during our classes together and I feel like we were always guided to think about the environmental issues, which I appreciate so much, because I’m personally very concerned

What if… climate change was a game of chess?
Climate Change . CultureSome people do believe that chess is a kind of art; the game fight is able to broach feelings, captivate beauty and tell stories. I think that almost every chess player must have got asked several times – or maybe must have thought about it themselves at least – whether they can see a parallel
A World on the Crossroad : Climate Crisis and ChatGPT
Authors . Climate Change[ A Grave Climate Outlook ] According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities have caused a 1.0°C rise in global temperatures since the pre-industrial era. If we continue on our current trajectory, temperatures are predicted to surpass the critical threshold of 1.5°C within the next two decades. Such a rise would
Climate Crisis in China
Authors . Climate Change . UncategorizedChina, as the world’s most populous country and one of the largest economies, plays a significant role in the global climate crisis. It faces a range of challenges related to climate change, as well as contributing to global greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some key points regarding the climate crisis in China: It is worth