Creativity’s positive impact on humans – more important now than ever?

In a time of 5 seconds tik tok-clips, influencers and hours of screen time, lots of people seem to experience increasing stress levels and mental health issues because of social media. In the 2016 published book Depress Anxiety- Association between Social Media Use and Depression among U.S. Young Adults, study shows that social media use Read More

Venice: between fairytale and nightmare

“There is a glorious City in the Sea.The Sea is in the broad, the narrow streets,Ebbing and flowing; and the salt sea-weedClings to the marble of her palaces.No track of men, no footsteps to and fro,Lead to her gates. The path lies o’er the Sea,Invisible; and from the land we went,As to a floating City Read More

Hellohello everyone!

My name is Malin and I’m from Sweden. Most people that I meet abroad think my name is “Molly” or “Marilyn”, but that is not the case! Malin is a very very Swedish name, so it’s not strange at all that people mispronounce it abroad. Oh well, what about me then? I grew up in Read More


Caterina Cainca It has been devastating watching my parents struggling to keep their shops. It is more or less March 2020 and many shop owners are forced to shut down their businesses. Cities are almost dead; a city is alive as long as there are restaurants, bars and stores, but all people who run these Read More

Care about human rights? Stop watching football

Football is far from the innocent game of fun that it used to be when I was a child. Nowadays it’s heavenly influenced by oil money from countries with somewhat questionable “human rights”. This week, the Spanish Super Cup is played. Four Spanish top teams competing in a small Spanish tournament. But it doesn’t take Read More

Opinion Piece

Spirals, Bundles Quaffs and Curls,My hair surrounded by interestThey go and grab as if mining for diamonds and pearls!But for the love of your fingersDo Not Touch. I wish a small Poem was enough to get my point across however I must inform and educate people on a situation minority women find themselves in: That Read More

A 19-years old firewoman

Blog post by Caterina Cainca Images showing dead kangaroos and entire forests burning have reached every single part of the world. I am talking about Australia and the huge consequences this island has been dealing with during the last years and that led to the so-called Black Summer. The story I am about to tell Read More

COP26 and the Future of our Climate

Written by Sofia Oloyede 01/12/2021 In her passionate speech at the ‘Youth4Climate’ convention, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg criticises world leaders and their approach to the climate crisis. The event was held prior to the highly awaited COP26 conference, where leaders congregate and discuss how they will approach the ever-growing climate-related issues of our world. COP26 Read More

How Reputation Gets In The Way of Reparations

The Battle For Hearts And Minds To Achieve A Better World.  London is a city that can be comfortably prosecuted as guilty for its crimes against the environment. The concrete landscape is impressive, filled with the old and new. An efficient transportation system runs like streams below but above, lies a lack of bike lanes Read More

How can such a small country make the difference?

Blog post by Ana Mafalda Cabral At the edge of Europe, a small country faces the challenges of Climate Change. Portugal is a Southern European country with a 943 Kilometers coastline, which makes Ocean pollution an extremely relevant matter. Frederico Morais, also Known as Kikas, a Portuguese pro surfer dedicates his time to explain to Read More

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