Always Walking On Eggshells

To protect the individuals in this article I have changed the names of the individuals.  Everything else is factual and accurate according to those who have been interviewed.   She sat on the floor sobbing with her cell phone in hand and her mother on the other end of the phone.  With crippling anxiety and ringing Read More

Taking my life back

 “Have you ever felt so trapped in your life that you didn’t know a way out? Have you ever confided in people and have them tell you how simple and straight forward your problem is, when deep down you know it’s not? Have you ever completely detached yourself from the world due to the lack Read More

Inclusive education for disabled children: how to meet their special needs

A common problem in actual schools in most countries is the inclusion of children with special needs in regular classrooms. But what does “inclusion” in this context mean? UNESCO defines inclusive education as “a process of responding to the diversity of students”. It involves offering a common education for all students that recognizes, values, and Read More

The Dangers of Domestic Abuse

On December 27th of 2019, Angadbir Sandhu didn’t really feel any pain, but the adrenaline had kicked in as he began to notice the blood dripping down his forehead. His mother and sister were startled by his appearance, more so, his open head wound. Said wound was caused by his older brother’s rage and a Read More

Let’s talk about Mental Health

“It has controlled my life since I was 9 in almost every way. In the limit, it freezes me, so the only way I figured to prevent that from happening was, and still is, to prepare myself before any situation that may disturb me. In my experience, I believe, it emerges from the need of Read More

The War on Poverty: Experiencing Poverty Firsthand in America

When Detroit natives, Robert and Rosemary Reid, visited Kentucky for two weeks for humanitarian work, they had no idea how it would impact the rest of their lives. Robert was working at Ford Motor Company in the 1960s when President Lyndon Johnson declared a national “war on poverty”. This political effort aimed at not only Read More

Body language and spiritual connection

The person I will describe is not my fellow-student or a friend of the same age. However, it is a story about magnificent international connection, which has changed a lot my perception of life. A story, created by conducting a long-distance interview via voice messages and e-mails. And now I can say that I am Read More

A Battle with Bulimia and the Blue Pinafore

**Trigger warning: this post contains mention of eating disorders and potentially triggering language** Amelia was 15, decked in a preppy white collared top with a royal blue pinafore, walking towards her favourite store in the school cafeteria. She was one of the rare ones as she wore her school uniform with pride because the ones Read More

You Have No Right

*Warning: This post contains vulgar language which may be profane, vulgar, or offensive to some readers * Abuse is not always loud. It doesn’t always come in strong punches and black eyes. Often, abuse is weaved into words, everyday texts and gestures. Sometimes, even the victim may think he or she is deserving of the pain. ‘Disgusting Read More

Not like any other part-time Job

Imagine waking up in the morning and not being able to see how the weather is, not being able to check the latest Instagram posts and not being able to read the newspaper in the morning. This is the everyday life over 37 million blind people and over 120 million partially sighted people worldwide. Of course, Read More