The Dream of a Connected World

It all began with the dream of a connect world; now this very same dream is setting the world apart. Who can say that has never accepted the terms and conditions of any social platform online without reading it first? I certainly cannot. And, my guess, neither can you. That is why we are completely Read More

Good Intentions with Detrimental Results

Reunification in Michigan’s Foster Care System Michigan- the Great Lakes State, also notoriously known for having some of the worst foster care, adoption, and child protective services. Unfortunately, I know all too much about this subject. Why? My parents are currently under-payed and overworked foster parents to two rambunctious little boys who also happen to Read More

The Drinking Age in America is Foolish

As a young man, I told myself that I wouldn’t drink alcohol to often when I finally became of age. The thought of feeling sick from over-drinking or the headaches from a hangover did not make me want to do it at all. I was content with the age limit set in America being 21. Read More

Against Life Imprisonment without Parole

Life imprisonment exists in 183 countries; life with parole exists in 144 countries, where there is some provision for release; and, 65 countries impose life without parole sentences. Recent studies have shown that countries that abolish the death penalty replace it with life imprisonment without parole and, widen the array of offenses which carry this maximum sentence. Read More

Breed Discrimination: The Misunderstood Pit Bulls

Dog breed discrimination is an epidemic across the globe that causes 1.2 million dogs each year to be euthanized in the United States alone. Pit Bulls arguably tend to receive the worst of breed discrimination. In fact, of the 1.2 million dogs that are euthanized in the United States each year, 40% are Pit Bulls Read More

Spanish Parliamentary Instability

This report is about the Parliamentary Instability in Spain; a problem that Spaniards have been facing for a while and no one seems to have the solution for. All the data collected is from national newspapers and media outlets. After almost two years of tremendous parliamentary instability, the Spanish Parliament has recently elected Pedro Sánchez, Read More

Candy for the eyes or government lies

“There’s something about the thousands of glittering lights, the veil of nighttime that almost makes this place beautiful, especially in the reflection of the water. It makes everything askew, disoriented. There’s more truth in a ripple of water than in a clear day.”― Ellie Lieberman, Society Foundings This quote brilliantly describes any Russian capital vititor’s reaction Read More

Hero or Zero?

In a perfectly regular environment, the season had just started and everything looked the same old way, calm and discreet. We were in 2015, during transfer season of European football when a scandal bursts the World of the King of Sports. The Football Leaks came up. Out of nowhere, an unsigned website shocks the world Read More

Flee or Die: The Story of a Gay Man from Nigeria

Phillips just wanted to live a normal, happy life. But given his circumstances living in Nigeria was next to impossible. He had only two choices: run as far away as he could and start a new life somewhere else or die. As a kid, Phillips’ life wasn’t like most. His father is a very important Read More

Apartheid – – – Apartness

“Don’t question things. You are an American. Don’t rock the boat.” This is what my grandfather told his six children in the late 60s and early 70s when they started questioning the system of apartheid. “We were in a bubble,” reflects my aunt Tara Marshall. She was only 5 when her family uprooted their life Read More