Empathy can save lives

The number of elderly people dying at their homes and being found there after long periods of time, is increasing. According to the british General Household Survey, the percentage of households with 65 years old residents or older is 6.7 percent of all households. This fear is shared by a growing percent of the elderly Read More

And the Oscar of the noblest goes to…

The Oscar ceremony this year coincides with my birthday. For that reason I would like to write a letter like the children write to Santa. The most prestigious event of the 7th Art is about to happen with some different characteristics than the last years.  In the previous years the Oscars were, more a political Read More

Good Intentions with Detrimental Results

Reunification in Michigan’s Foster Care System Michigan- the Great Lakes State, also notoriously known for having some of the worst foster care, adoption, and child protective services. Unfortunately, I know all too much about this subject. Why? My parents are currently under-payed and overworked foster parents to two rambunctious little boys who also happen to Read More

I am responsible for Climate Change

Youth-driven Friday’s for Future rallies are catching on like wildfire at a global level. Maybe it isn’t necessarily timely to use the wildfire simile given the recent crises in Brazil and Australia, but you catch my drift. Wow. I don’t think I can even sneak in a simple metaphor because Venice almost drowned. Jokes aside, Read More

The Drinking Age in America is Foolish

As a young man, I told myself that I wouldn’t drink alcohol to often when I finally became of age. The thought of feeling sick from over-drinking or the headaches from a hangover did not make me want to do it at all. I was content with the age limit set in America being 21. Read More

The Forbidden City’s 600-Year History Should Not Be Smudged By Commercial Dust

The Chinese Forbidden City hit the headlines frequently these days. According to Sixth Tone, the Corner Tower Restaurant which locates next to the Palace Museum (the national museum housed in the Forbidden City), cancelled its Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinners. With an extremely high price of 6,888yuan($1,000) per table of up to 10 guests, this Read More

Of course, I hit like a girl. You could too, if you hit a little harder.

“Is it fair, that women are paid significantly less than men in sports?” This question has raised a lot of heated debates among sports journalists and athletes. I, being a female athlete myself, am not going to watch that debate from the sideline – instead, I am going to take a full “swing” at it. Read More

Don’t Touch My Hair

Don’t touch my belongings, don’t touch my body, and, most importantly, don’t touch my hair. This is an issue that has historically plagued African Americans. As one of the most prominent parts of our anatomy, no matter the length or type, we share the same experiences with our hair. As a child, my haircare was Read More

Against Life Imprisonment without Parole

Life imprisonment exists in 183 countries; life with parole exists in 144 countries, where there is some provision for release; and, 65 countries impose life without parole sentences. Recent studies have shown that countries that abolish the death penalty replace it with life imprisonment without parole and, widen the array of offenses which carry this maximum sentence. Read More

Breed Discrimination: The Misunderstood Pit Bulls

Dog breed discrimination is an epidemic across the globe that causes 1.2 million dogs each year to be euthanized in the United States alone. Pit Bulls arguably tend to receive the worst of breed discrimination. In fact, of the 1.2 million dogs that are euthanized in the United States each year, 40% are Pit Bulls Read More

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