Let me introduce you: Tina Vekua!

I had this interview with my very interesting and beautiful new friend, whom I met during the language preparatory courses in German. She is a real example of a mixture of two cultures, because her parents are from Russia and Georgia, but at the same time she has lived in Europe all her life. Tell Read More

“Not only have I learnt language, I’ve also got to know this country.” – interview with my German teacher

In my first two years of study life in Nankai University, I’ve met an inspiring mentor – Holger Schneider – a doctor of Sinology who has lived in China for some years. Mr. Schneider returned to Germany a few months ago, I’d like to take this opportunity to interview him and express my sincere thanks Read More

A day in the life of a law student!

In this interview, I am taken into the life of law student Daan. Daan is 21 years old, from the Netherlands. He studied Dutch law for the past three years and currently, he’s doing his minor German law at LMU now. What are the differences between Dutch law and German law? It’s not really different, Read More

Some words about me

Hey! My name is Milana Gadzhieva. It seems to me that by my name and surname it’s easy to guess that I am from Russia. However, almost every time I meet new people abroad, I’m told that I don’t look like a “Russian” because I have black hair and eyes. And it makes me happy Read More

Introducing me

Starting with the basics, my name is Claudia. I never liked my name and I’m not really sure why, but even though I’ve tried to intoduce myself as Clau only my closest friends call me that, so I guess in a way I’ve made my peace with it. I live in Almería, which is in Read More

What if I didn’t go to Munich?

Okay, before I take you through this thought experiment here’s a few things that wouldn’t have changed: I would still be: named Nikolaj (I guess), 28 years old (but now I’m the old guy among the Erasmus students haha), Danish, working in radio (for 3-4 years now), loving storytelling using sound, a big football and Read More

Welcome to All About Me!

Hello, My name is Gabrielle Gez but I am much more comfortable with just Gabi. For the most part, only my mother calls me Gabrielle and it is usually used when I am in trouble; so my full name is actually quite intimidating to hear. What am I? Whilst being in Munich where I am Read More

Already Out of Goodbyes

I really don’t know how I want to start this post, let alone what I’m going to say. I already said it in February, and I will say it again now… I’m not very good at goodbyes. In fact, I hate them, especially when I know they are not “see you later’s”, but real goodbyes. Read More

Ein trauriger Goodbye-Post

Ein letzter Abschiedspost und einige traurige Gedanken von einem Online-Erasmus-Studenten in einer Pandemie. Read More


Unfortunately, my exchange program ends today. For the first time, I don’t want the semester to end. Because of the covid, I studied online from Russia, at first it seemed to me that all this is doomed to failure, I will not meet anyone and I could not get to know a single teacher better Read More

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