Writing blog posts is literally my profession

It’s funny that in German “getting to know” word sounds like “kennenlernen” – that is, “to know + to learn” … learn to know each other. Well, let’s learn? From my name it is not immediately clear where I come from (spoiler: from Russia). My name is Anna Iurgenson, I am 20, and I am Read More

War with yourself: The road to becoming a graduate student

This is a second chance to change my Life “I just want to give myself a chance to start over, no matter how hard it takes. I want to get out of my current life and meet better students, better teachers, and more resources,” said Zhang Yan, juniors who attended the 2018 Unified National Graduate Read More

Let’s talk about Mental Health

“It has controlled my life since I was 9 in almost every way. In the limit, it freezes me, so the only way I figured to prevent that from happening was, and still is, to prepare myself before any situation that may disturb me. In my experience, I believe, it emerges from the need of Read More

World Traveler in Training

Asha Ress is a 20-year-old student of criminology at University of Minnesota Twin-Cities, and a current member of the study abroad program Junior Year in Munich. Already in her short life, she has visited over a dozen countries and plans to visit many more during her year abroad. Asha says that one of her lifelong Read More

“I felt like I was eternal, because I was experiencing something internal”

I find myself in the rooftop of a cafe in Munich with my good friend and interviewee, Anna. Anna Bertelli is a 21 years old philosophy exchange student at LMU, who has been rewarded with a special scholarship. She has been a volunteer in Cambodia and is very committed with the environment and with nature, Read More

Looking East

Bryan Roemelt is an American from Saratoga Upstate New York. He graduated from American University in Washington DC in May, where he majored in International Relations and German Studies. Since then, Bryan has moved to Berlin on a 6-month visa while searching for a job. A well traveled man and photographer, Bryan has spent a Read More

Inside the Life of a Professional Athlete

Daria Kuznetsova is a 22-year-old from Moscow who started playing tennis when she was 4 years old. In this interview, we will explore her experience growing up as a professional athlete. How did you get involved in tennis? Since I always had a lot of energy, my parents knew that I would be good at Read More

The Ultimate Exchange Student

David Liu, an international student in Munich, has studied in three different countries in the last four years of his life. Hailing from the port city of Guangzhou, China, David completed his high school education there and continued on to study at one of the top Ivy League universities in America: Cornell University. Now in Read More

German to English: is it hard?

I had the pleasure of interviewing a native German speaker and good friend of mine named Phil. English is his second language and I wanted to get a better understanding of his process of learning English. What is your mother language? “My native language is German. As far as I’m aware, however, the current linguistic Read More

My Best Friends´Life

Blanca has been my best friend since we were kids. We have been through a lot together and she has always been extremely supportive. She recently visited me in Munich, and I decided to interview her because she is one the brightest people I know. I have asked her some set of personal questions so Read More

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