Where are the missing students, Mr. President?

It all began on the night of the 26th of September, 2014 in Ayotzinapa, Mexico. 43 Mexican students were traveling from the city of Iguala to Ayotzinapa to protest against discriminatory injustices in institutions towards teachers and students, and to commemorate the anniversary of the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre. While close to their destination, the students Read More

About Mexican stereotypes.

Throughout my life, diversity has always been highly present. From being born and raised in Mexico to the numerous visits to friends and family in the United States, from my decision to move to Canada and my experience as an exchange student in Europe. All these experiences have put me in a position of open-mindedness Read More

Economy Bubble in European Football

In 2009 Real Madrid signed the portuguese player Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United for 96 millions of euros. The Spanish team broke the market with this record movement that lots of sports journalists qualified it as “risky” and “exaggerated”. Not many people could predict that 10 years later, this type of contracts would be considered Read More

Displaced people and national identity

Have you ever travelled to a foreign country and feel like you don’t fit in? This can be anything from you not being able to communicate using the local language to struggling to grasp the culture. Now imagine having none of the above problems yet somehow still feel like your existence in the country is Read More

My stay in Munich at LMU

I remember my first day in LMU as if it were yesterday. It was October, I didn’t knew anyone and I had a mixture of feelings between nervousness and excitement before getting into my first class. Today is 6th of August and after two very different semesters here the idea of going back home provokes Read More

“Don’t always believe what you see on TV”

In todays world, we cant help but believe what we see on tv, read on the internet or see in films. We can all admit that we’re victims of it. It can range from merely a “fun fact” all the way to the global misunderstandings when it comes to a severe misinterpretation with misleading headlines. Read More

I See Humans But No Humanity

Is the world falling apart? At times it seems like it is. Hearing about mass shootings in America, global warming and the massive internet shutdown in Sudan, makes it hard to believe humans will ever learn how to live on this planet. However, there is still hope and what happened in Italy in the past Read More

Trump’s War on Media

On July 4, 2019 many Americans living in Washington DC were awoken by a sound they had never heard before. Tanks were moving down each of the major streets of the city, and bomber planes were flying overhead. Their destination : the newly rebranded Independence Day celebrations at the Lincoln Memorial. American President Donald Trump Read More

Wanna f**k? Please sign here!

An opinion piece about sexual consent I apologize for the presence of sarcasm in my headline. It’s just me being very Danish. Sexual Consent. It’s not really a turn-on for me but it’s necessary. I get that we need a new way to address what rape is and the Danish definition “sex forced by violence” Read More

A bad case of Influenca

With all that’s going on in today’s society, one thing that isn’t going anywhere fast is social media. It’s fun, accessible to most and has been wholly accepted by the masses; unfortunately not everything that goes with social media is a positive thing, in fact these days you may be able to name more negatives Read More

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