The art of interviewing

“A day rarely goes by without me making at least one interview.” With a cup a coffee in her hand and the weekend’s printed newspaper lying on her desk, I meet journalism student, Ida. Doing 1-10 interviews every day she is used to being the one asking the questions, but not today. Today she is Read More

Flatlays and Parisian days

In today’s spotlight: Sherryl Cheong, 23, is a travel and flatlay photographer better known as @wildfxiry on Instagram. Her feed is made up of a combination of sights and scenes she amasses as she shuffles between the cities of Paris and Singapore. I sat down and had a chat with her about what got her Read More

Students rock.

Facilitating the process of engagement between universities, students and companies, alleviating the youth unemployment problem…… Who’s doing all these work? He’s a full-time university student, and also at the same time, a co-founder of a local start-up in Hong Kong. Ethan Cheng is a second year student in Hong Kong, majoring in Social and Public Read More

Meet Larissa.

I met Larissa Jochims through the LMU Buddy Program I signed myself up for at the start of my application process to LMU. She is an incredibly kind and approachable girl who grew up in a little town in Belgium and as her parents are both German, it came as no surprise that she chose Read More

off the beaten path

In Singapore, every person pretty much follows the same path in life – making their way to university and eventually getting a job, most likely a corporate one. Although it is becoming somewhat more acceptable, majority of the people who steer off this path to ‘pursue their dreams’ are seen as crazy and most probably Read More

Men Shouldn’t Be Making Decisions About Women’s Bodies

I’m sure you all have heard of Alabama’s widely unpopular abortion law. This law effectively outlaws abortion in every stage of pregnancy, even in extreme cases of rape and incest. According to Huffpost, the new law has even drawn the disapproval of groups that are generally anti-abortion. I decided to understand the question of abortion Read More

How YOU can Engage for a Common Future!

  In a world where debates focus on the fight for gender equality and also centre around campaigns for a healthier planet for all, it is hard sometimes to find a clear voice amongst all the hashtags and demonstrations we see everyday. I first heard about Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) from a Read More

Alles Gut, Deutschland!

My name is Lauren, i’m the ripe old age of 21 and I’m currently spending my Erasmus year here in the 80809. (Munich, Germany) When not at the LMU, I’m a BSc student at the University of East Anglia (UEA), in the small city of Norwich. Like the majority of Erasmus students that I have Read More

introducing me

Hi everyone! My name is Carrine and I’m from the sunny island, Singapore. I’m currently a second-year student pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies back home and on a semester-long exchange here in Munich to hopefully ~broaden my horizons~ and learn, learn, learn. This is the longest I’ve ever been away from home and Read More


My name is Fay, and I’m from Singapore. I’m a Communications student and I’m currently in my fourth university semester. I came to Munich with an open heart and mind, not exactly knowing what to expect. My native language is English, and I can barely speak or understand German (Sorry, I really should have learnt Read More

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