I don’t think I miss home

Hi, my name is Rachel and for the past one year I’ve enviously scrolled through the Instagram stories of my seniors and friends were on their own exchange semesters, anxiously waiting for my own adventure to start. Since coming to Munich for my own exchange I have come to the startling realisation that my exchange Read More

a raph introduction

Hey everyone! My name is Raphael, Raph for short. I’m from the little red dot of Singapore and to come all the way here to the beergardens and bustling streets of Munich has been a real eye-opener, to say the least. Right now, I am a second-year Communications student and I hope to dabble in Read More

About me and the decision to come to Munich

Hola a todos! My name is Javier, but my friends prefer to use their own customized versions of it. I could say that I’m more used to hear things like “Hey Javs!” or “Qué pasa Javito” than any other kind of greeting followed by a “Javier” (They probably think it sounds kind of serious, although I really like it…). In Read More

Next Chapter: Munich

Hello everyone, my name’s Enrica and I’m Italian, even though most people say I don’t really look like one. I have never really understood why and I don’t know if it’s a positive thing or not. Anyway, I like to think I’m a citizen of the world and my life is a story made up Read More

Hello Second Semester… or Should I Say Hallo!

Hallo! Ich heiße Lucy und ich komme aus England. Ich studiere “International Business with Communications”. Don’t worry non-German speakers, my whole blog post will not continue with such fluency in German… I have been in Munich now for eight months, eight months that have flown by so quickly it seems strange to type it. In Read More

Cecilia is back, this time with an alphabet!

You’d think no one is self-absorbed enough to write an alphabet about themselves. Well, you thought wrong. A for Animals: I love most animals and consider them to be an essential part of my life. B for British: On paper I technically am a Brit and to some I may even pass as one. C Read More

My year ‘abroad’

Halli Hallo, My name is Emily, and I am British, although I haven’t actually spent a lot of time there and friends will often call me out on this. I was born and raised in north-west Germany, in a small town near Hannover, before moving to south-west England almost three years ago as I stared Read More


My exchange program in Munich has been the most wonderful experience I’ve had in my life. It was full of first times, everything was new, almost a challenge, and I can not be more grateful. Being a student at LMU Studying at the LMU has been a break from the excessive academic pressure I had Read More

What this semester was about…

Leaving home for a semester abroad was not the easiest thing even if I was « just » flying to Germany. The first days I felt alone, I knew no one here and it was quite depressing. But then the german courses started and I met a lot of new people and made really good friends. We Read More


I’m not good talking about my personal feelings or personal experiences but I’ll do my best. This semester was really something, so many things happened, I fell in love with places, music, and people, I experienced homesickness, I’ve visited so many new cities, I made new friends with who I hope to stay in touch Read More

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