News ideal may not exist anymore?

“We want to become a journalist , exposing the darkness, and achieving social justice.” That’s why most of us choose journalism as our major in the first place. However, with time flies, after 4-year study, and internships in news agency, lots of students in China suddenly lose their trust and faith in journalism, and prefer Read More

Fiona in Munich:)

Hello everyone, my name is Fiona and I come from Hong Kong. I’m a bit introverted at first, but I’m very outgoing once I get to know it. I went to City University of Hong Kong for my last year of my bachelor’s program in media and communication, so I took the opportunity to come Read More

Say Hi to MUC

Hi Munich! Here is Yuna. My name is Wong Tsz Ching, in Chinese. I study Media and Communication at the City University of Hong Kong. I come from Hong Kong, only a dot in the world. But I think it is far from enough. Unlike Germany, it doesn’t take much time to travel from the Read More

Hello Munich🍺

Hello! This is Bingqian Zhan. I’m from China. “Bing”means “ice” and “Qian” means “pretty” in Chinese. You can also call me Birdy if you find it hard to pronounce my Chinese name. I have a long stay in 3 cities in China, namely Chibi (my hometown, a small city in middle China where Asian’s longest river Yangtze river Read More

Environment as a field of studies

Ludovica is 24 years old girl from Italy who studies a programme called Environmental Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. For her bachelors she studied cultural and linguistic mediation, a programme about literature and translation studies. She studied English, Russian, Spanish and a little bit of Chineese. She was thinking what she can do with Read More

Hair coloring can be an art. But sometimes it’s just work, diligence, sacrifice, and a routine

Interview with Mary, a professional hair colorist from Prague Not everyone would consider hair care an art, but professional hairdressers today are not just handymen with scissors. It’s a craft that has many branches and techniques, coloring being just one of them. Professional colorists are people, whose job is to bring a little more fun Read More

Behind the camera : Tiffany Tell All

Film and TV are at the center of global culture. Every Sunday night you can find discussions on Twitter about the latest episode of some new HBO series. You might hear people sitting outside of a cafe talking about the last film they saw, maybe about how terrible the new Avatar movie was. But what Read More

Goodbye Munich? More like see you again Munich!

It will be only a few weeks (more like days) until I pack my bags, add some bottled beers as a present, and say my final goodbye to Munich. This farewell post is a great way to look back at my time here, which I am doing right now as I am sitting in a Read More

Fairy tale Christmas Markets in Vienna. Are Czechs Tired of ChristmasMarkets at Home?

Many visitors to Vienna come to warm themselves with a hot punch under the Vienna CityHall. Among them are many Czechs, for whom visiting the Christmas markets in Vienna hasbecome an annual activity, some may say tradition. Set to explore a few of the popularChristmas markets, even I did not resist this year and visited Read More

Not a goodbye yet

It is crazy to think that the first semester of my study abroad is coming to an end. It feels like yesterday, that I arrived in Munich, confused and questioning my entire decision. I was scared I could never call Munich my “home”, but now I am more scared of having to leave. Thankfully, I Read More

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