A Green Wave
UncategorizedIn the heart of my home university Zhejiang University, a dynamic environmental club known as “Green Source” is spearheading a remarkable series of environmental initiatives. With a heartfelt commitment to “embracing nature and championing environmental stewardship,” the club has seamlessly woven environmental consciousness into the very fabric of campus life. Comprising seven distinct departments, Green
Waving a Green Future: Environmental Education in Madrid
Authors . Climate Change . Health . SocietyThis comprehensive report explores the intricate tapestry of environmental education in Madrid, uncovering the city’s proactive stance in addressing ecological challenges through educational channels. From grassroots initiatives within schools to overarching community projects, this analysis delves deep into how Madrid is actively shaping the minds of future generations committed to sustainability. Throughout this exploration, we aim to shed light on the progress made, the challenges faced, and the pivotal role played by the integration of sustainability into the educational fabric of Madrid.
The pollution in the Po Valley
UncategorizedReportage, Riccardo Nestore. 20/12/2023 The Po Valley is a geographical area straddling northern Italian regions including Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Friuli-venezia-Giulia. The Po Valley in Italy is like a beautiful painting, with rolling hills and winding rivers that make you feel like you’re in a dream. But there’s an issue lurking ‘’beneath’’ this scenic
Water, a rigorous battleground in Spain
UncategorizedI. Introduction Spain has been going through an expanded period of drought since 2022, while the circumstance has never gone so bad as it did this year. Since the summer 2023, swaths of Spain are steadily turning into desert, especially in the city of Barcelona. From a general point of view, rainfall in Spain has
Greening the Fragrant Harbor: Hong Kong’s Battle Against Plastic Pollution and the Plastic Bag Fee Revolution
Climate Change . Covid-19In the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, where towering skyscrapers harmonise with the natural beauty of the coastline, a presenting environmental issue threatens the city’s delicate balance – plastic pollution. The convenience-driver surge in single-use plastics, coupled with challenges in waste management, has transformed the picturesque shores into a battleground against the persistent tide of

With the boot(s) in the water
Authors . Climate Change . SocietyAlthough the climate keeps changing, the institutions continue to be absent, leaving the population and the Italian peninsula under water. But the younger generation promptly repairs the gaps left by the government. A cold, dark cellar, completely submerged by mud and water. Sofia is in there and tries to help to free the cellar from
What kind of garbage? An view of Shanghai’s garbage-sorting policy
UncategorizedAuthor’s words: Due to limited time to complete a detailed report, I chose to translate an environmental theme article on garbage-sorting in Shanghai that I had previously written with my group members. Since the adoption of Shanghai’s waste-sorting regulation in 2019, we can see some progress. More details can be found on the government website.
Zwischen Gipfel und Täler: Axpo Vision für nachhaltige Energie in den Glarner Alpen enthüllt
Authors . Climate Change . Culture . ExcursionsIm ruhigen Hinterland des Schweizer Kantons Glarus, eingebettet in die majestätischen Glarner Alpen, beschreitet Axpo, die Schweizer Vorreiterin für erneuerbare Energien, den Weg zu einer neu definierten und nachhaltigen Energielandschaft. Im Zentrum steht dabei das Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Limmern (PSWL), ein technologisches Wunderwerk, das für das konsequente Engagement der Axpo für innovative Energielösungen steht. Doch hinter der Fassade
Stand up!
Controversy . PoliticsI’m mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram stories when is see the statement results of the United Nations. Another poll about the war between Israel and Palestine. My first reaction is to quickly scrolling past that story. That’s the reaction I always have when I see people talk about the conflict. You could say “head in
Umwelt und Natur schützen : Umweltinstitut München
Climate Change . Health . Media30th November 2023 – Group Interview at Umweltinstitut München In a recent interview with the PR team of the Umweltinstitut München, Sandra Enoch and Jurek Vengels informed us about their work as head of online marketing and campaign planner. They shed light on their communication strategy with the aim to spread awareness on environmental issues