Goodbye Munich! I’ll miss you!

It has been four months already; I can’t believe I’m returning to Thailand this Sunday. Frankly speaking, I have to admit that Munich and I are in some kind of a hate-love relationship. Sometimes I don’t really like Munich, and I want to go home.I met many people that are not very nice, especially on Read More

Time Flies, But Memories Last Forever!

From someone who knows nothing about Germany to someone who has become familiar with this country. I still couldn’t believe it had been four months. It seems like I just got here yesterday in Munich.  While writing this farewell post, it is like a film roll in a memory box slowly playing out a story. Read More

My Munich experience: Danke. LG Sofie xx

Dear Munich! This is my little exchange experience summary… Thank you for everything. MY EXPERIENCE GUIDE The roots of my Munich experience stem back to September 2022. Back then, I was in the 3rd month of my 4-month-long holiday and I’d started feeling like I should do something to prevent my brain from clouding over… Read More

Munich will last forever in my heart!

It is time to say goodbye to Munich and LMU, where I spent my sixth semester as an exchange student. Since this is my first time participating in an exchange program and studying overseas, I have obtained a wide variety of experiences and knowledge regarding education as well as living a life, especially living abroad. Read More

Munich, ich liebe dich, auf wieder sehen

It’s already been five months since I came to Munich in March, and I can’t believe it’s time to leave. I think coming to an exchange student was the best moment of my life. Coming to Germany, especially Munich, was my best choice. It was a short period, but it was the happiest time, and Read More

Bye for now

Goodbye my dearest readers and Munich This is the first time that I am an exchange student, and this semester is the most memorable experience in my life as I came out of my comfort zone, traveled a lot, and did several things that I had never done before. I still remember the first day Read More

Farewell, liebe Freunde!

Well, let’s dive into the realm of farewells once again, my dear readers! While one might assume that past experience would make the task easier, the truth is that writing a second farewell post doesn’t necessarily diminish the challenges or emotional intensity of the process. Alright, brace yourselves for the epic farewell extravaganza! According to Read More

It’s been a longtime coming

Starting off my goodbye post for the swifties that recognise the title “it’s been a long time coming” Hi to whoever is reading this! Our time together is coming to an end, and I’d like to take a minute to reflect on this past year. Wow, what a year. When I began my Erasmus in Read More

See you soon, Munich!

A HARD GOODBYE Over the course of the last 3 months, I have been so lucky to have a taste of what living in Munich is like. From learning about different cultures and making friends from all around the world, to travelling to different countries over the weekend, to gaining independence from having to live Read More

If I could go back in time…

I was very grateful that I had the opportunity to spend three months in a completely unfamiliar place. In these three months, there are college life, travel, encounter, and separation, and now, it is about to say goodbye… I still remember that my meeting with LMU was a stroke of fate. When I first filled Read More

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