Humanity needs Humor

Humor covers countless aspects, whether socially, culturally, economically or politically, thus accompanying the human being since its existence. It has no restrictions, it is transversal and crosses continents and oceans, provoking a wide range of expressions in those who feel it and in those who practice it. It is because it belongs to everyone and Read More

Field Trip to SZ Druckhaus

Right before the Christmas Holidays, on December 10th, the group of Professional Communication in Munich had their third field trip to the SZ Druckhaus. The SZ is characterized by open-minded and independent newspaper, and has their own printing press. The printing plant of the publishing house Süddeutscher Verlag is located within the outskirts of Munich, Read More

Empathy can save lives

The number of elderly people dying at their homes and being found there after long periods of time, is increasing. According to the british General Household Survey, the percentage of households with 65 years old residents or older is 6.7 percent of all households. This fear is shared by a growing percent of the elderly Read More

Field Trip to the Süddeutsche Zeitung

On December 10th, Professional Communication’s students made the third field trip of the semester: we went to the press office of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. It was a different and great experience since we had only been to broadcasting media companies, and here we were able to see for ourselves how a printing company works and Read More

And the Oscar of the noblest goes to…

The Oscar ceremony this year coincides with my birthday. For that reason I would like to write a letter like the children write to Santa. The most prestigious event of the 7th Art is about to happen with some different characteristics than the last years.  In the previous years the Oscars were, more a political Read More

Good Intentions with Detrimental Results

Reunification in Michigan’s Foster Care System Michigan- the Great Lakes State, also notoriously known for having some of the worst foster care, adoption, and child protective services. Unfortunately, I know all too much about this subject. Why? My parents are currently under-payed and overworked foster parents to two rambunctious little boys who also happen to Read More

Field trip to BR Funkhaus

The second field trip organized within the Professional Communication’s course was on the 26th of November and it was a visit to the Bayerischer Rundfunk’s. This institution is the state broadcaster in the Free State of Bavaria with its main office placed here in Munich.  On this second excursion, we were given the opportunity to visit Read More

I am responsible for Climate Change

Youth-driven Friday’s for Future rallies are catching on like wildfire at a global level. Maybe it isn’t necessarily timely to use the wildfire simile given the recent crises in Brazil and Australia, but you catch my drift. Wow. I don’t think I can even sneak in a simple metaphor because Venice almost drowned. Jokes aside, Read More

The digital divide in public health and safety emergencies deserve attention

Since December 2019, a number of viral pneumonia cases have been detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and as of January 24, 2020, there were confirmed or suspected cases in all regions except Qinghai and Tibet. The disease was named 2019-nCoV by the World Health Organization on 12 January 2020. In recent years, outbreaks of Read More

Media School Bayern (M.94.5) Excursion

Last Tuesday, on the 21st of February, the Professional Communication course provided us an excursion to the Media School Bayern.  We had the opportunity to listen to Antonia Engelhardt (Toni), who happens to work there, and she gave us a short presentation about how the work is conducted there: everyone who works there is a Read More

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