Always Walking On Eggshells

To protect the individuals in this article I have changed the names of the individuals.  Everything else is factual and accurate according to those who have been interviewed.   She sat on the floor sobbing with her cell phone in hand and her mother on the other end of the phone.  With crippling anxiety and ringing Read More


The report I’m going to talk is about a very controversial topic nowadays which is the globalization that is happening in the world. Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, is considered by some as a form of capitalist expansion which entails Read More

Taking my life back

 “Have you ever felt so trapped in your life that you didn’t know a way out? Have you ever confided in people and have them tell you how simple and straight forward your problem is, when deep down you know it’s not? Have you ever completely detached yourself from the world due to the lack Read More

Gender Violence in Spain

The report I am going to make is about gender violence in  Spain, it is a social problem that is very important in my country and therefore I have decided to learn more about this topic. I have collected information from different pages and Spanish newspapers to carry out this report. The Spanish Government allocates Read More

Less Face More Book

It is early in the morning. The first thing Afonso did when he woke up was to check the notifications on his new iPhone. He wakes up happy because he has over 200 likes on his last Instagram photo and thousands of retweets in the previous post. Afonso is 18 and spent the day online, Read More

Hero or Zero?

In a perfectly regular environment, the season had just started and everything looked the same old way, calm and discreet. We were in 2015, during transfer season of European football when a scandal bursts the World of the King of Sports. The Football Leaks came up. Out of nowhere, an unsigned website shocks the world Read More

One small step for mankind

One shakes his head. An other’s eyes find the ceiling of the metro station, while someone by accident stamps on his heel. During peak hours in Munich the underground is survival of the fittest. I step into the metro and I’m searching for a free spot to hold on. I have to put my arm Read More

War with yourself: The road to becoming a graduate student

This is a second chance to change my Life “I just want to give myself a chance to start over, no matter how hard it takes. I want to get out of my current life and meet better students, better teachers, and more resources,” said Zhang Yan, juniors who attended the 2018 Unified National Graduate Read More

Flee or Die: The Story of a Gay Man from Nigeria

Phillips just wanted to live a normal, happy life. But given his circumstances living in Nigeria was next to impossible. He had only two choices: run as far away as he could and start a new life somewhere else or die. As a kid, Phillips’ life wasn’t like most. His father is a very important Read More

Inclusive education for disabled children: how to meet their special needs

A common problem in actual schools in most countries is the inclusion of children with special needs in regular classrooms. But what does “inclusion” in this context mean? UNESCO defines inclusive education as “a process of responding to the diversity of students”. It involves offering a common education for all students that recognizes, values, and Read More

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