Cheers to Memories and a Heartfelt Auf Wiedersehen: My Munich Adventure Comes to an End

As the the breath of the end hovers above my winter semester at LMU University in Munich, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that unfolded over the past few months. From embracing the vibrant international atmosphere to discovering hidden corners of the city, my Erasmus+ experience has been nothing but exciting. However, Read More

Munich Diaries: From First Impressions to Lasting Memories

I can’t start this post with any expression different to: “Wow”. It’s going to be really difficult to talk about this experience and put in words all the feelings. experiences and people.  I think the best form to start this post is talking about this city: Munich. I remember the first time I set foot Read More

The pollution in the Po Valley

Reportage, Riccardo Nestore. 20/12/2023 The Po Valley is a geographical area straddling northern Italian regions including Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Friuli-venezia-Giulia. The Po Valley in Italy is like a beautiful painting, with rolling hills and winding rivers that make you feel like you’re in a dream. But there’s an issue lurking ‘’beneath’’ this scenic Read More

“Erasmus Adventures in Munich: A Life Transformed by Travel”

Welcome to this exclusive interview with a remarkable 21-year-old Spanish student, currently immersed in the fascinating world of Erasmus in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany. Meet Ariadna Leal, an adventurous soul whose true passion and favorite hobby is exploring the world through travel. In her mere 21 years of life, she’s been fortunate enough Read More

Enigma at Galerie Andreas Binder

Gallerist Nora interviewed by Julius Johansson 8/11 2023 “When you have a closer look they have a light “within”, it makes them kind of glistening and walking around makes them vivid things. I think the artist plays with that in different ways. This is a very strong and colorful piece, I can’t help it, I Read More

Germany and Italy meet each other

The Erasmus program is a really life-changing experience for those students that decide to take part in it. For some of them the change might not be so huge and for others will, what is sure is that after one or two semesters studying far from your home country, you will not be the same Read More

From Madrid’s Heart to Munich’s Soul

Good morning, afternoons, and nights. I am Laura Calzón Sancho, born in Alcalá de Henares, a beautiful city in the province of Madrid, a UNESCO World Heritage city, full of charm and life. My daily life takes place in Madrid, the capital of Spain, a fast-paced city, always bustling with people, plans, and atmosphere. Madrileños Read More

Theater Enthusiast

If we feel like having a deal of talent, a grown personality, we want to put ourselves on a test, a great opportunity to do so and to release the inner child is, for sure, making art! In this case Marina Davidovic tells us what theater for her is and how she plays a role Read More

Spotted: doing an exchange program in Munich and having the time of her life

Excuse me if this post screams Gossip Girl. I’m currently binge watching the whole show for the second time. Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Chen Abramovich and I’m from Israel. I’m studying sociology and anthropology for my master’s. My bachelor’s is in communication, majoring in radio broadcasting and podcasting.  Actually, I tried to write this post many times, but I just couldn’t find Read More

Prost, Munich !

I’m Julie, a french student in Erasmus here for a year. For my last year of bachelor, I wanted to go abroad to change my habits in a different culture. I have been here for about a month now, and all the doubts I had coming here and leaving everything I knew are already gone. Read More