Never say goodbye

Time flies. Forgive me to start with so boring words. I reviewed my very first self introduction blog and recalled the day when I wrote the post. At that time, I was still in Tsinghua library, over 7000 km away from Munich, anxiously waiting for my day to see all these lovely friends and teachers Read More

It really is goodbye

I cannot believe that this is really goodbye. In my first post of the semester, I wrote “I told you it was not goodbye yet”, but it truly is now. In my first post of the semester, I talked about my goals to travel to countries like Romania, Croatia, and Portugal. Although I never got Read More

Good bye is just another way of saying hello

Hi to whoever is taking time to read this, Off to an awkward end! What better way to write my farewell post by paying homage to my introduction post!  Which I think resonates with how I am and to the growth I had as a person.  I am filled with a sense of gratitude and awe. Read More

Goodbye My Lovers, Goodbye My Friends?

The winter semester has come to an end. It was quite a ride I must say. It might be a cliché, but Erasmus really is a life-changing experience. At least for me. I really appreciate the opportunity to see what living and studying abroad looks like. To step outside of my bubble and see the Read More

Goodbye Munich? More like see you again Munich!

It will be only a few weeks (more like days) until I pack my bags, add some bottled beers as a present, and say my final goodbye to Munich. This farewell post is a great way to look back at my time here, which I am doing right now as I am sitting in a Read More

Wake me up when the winter ends

When I type these words, snow is falling again in Munich. The white flakes slowly cover the entire city in white, sweeping away all the bustle. I realize that it is time that I become accustomed to the silent and snowy days of winter. As a kid born in winter, I always look forward to snowfall in my Read More

Oh well- I guess all good things come to an end?

Within three weeks I am packing up my stuff, which is A LOT more than when I first came to Munich, and traveling back to Sweden. These past months have truly gone by so fast! It feels like yesterday when I was walking in a sunny Englischer Garten for the first time, being amazed by Read More

10 things I liked about Munich – and why the story doesn’t end yet

In my first blogpost, I tried to answer the question: “Why Munich?”. I wrote that I chose the destination because of its parks, its cultural venues, its safety, and the city’s chill rhythm of life. Four months later, I still agree but I have ten more points to add to the list. I liked Munich Read More

Not a “goodbye”, a “see you soon”…

July is already well underway and that means that I only have a few days left here in Munich at the IfKW as a student. Time for me to start saying goodbye to this city and the people I have met here, whom I now consider my friends. If I had to choose one word Read More

Ein trauriger Goodbye-Post

Ein letzter Abschiedspost und einige traurige Gedanken von einem Online-Erasmus-Studenten in einer Pandemie. Read More

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