“The Dorf”

Olympic Village? As a student accommodation? Living in an 850.000 square meter park? My curiosity ignited Multiple trains of thought as soon as I saw the email informing me I would live in a two-floor bungalow in the Olydorf for six months.  The city of Munich has been facing a housing crisis for a few years now. According Read More

The importance of PR for the Umweltinstitut of Munich

I had the opportunity to interview Jurek Vengels, working in the public relations office of the Umweltinstitut as a campaign planner . We will come back to his studies and previous works which led him to the Umweltinstitut, after which we will focus on the work led by the PR team and the obstacles they Read More

“Journalism shouldn’t be gatekept”: An interview with Antonia Franz, Süddeutsche Zeitung’s podcast journalist

Antonia Franz is a German journalist focusing on audio content, such as podcasts and radio. She got her journalism training at Deutsche Journalistenschule, as well as doing an exchange period in Finland at the University of Helsinki while studying politics and law in Munich. She has done multiple internships, i.e. at Bayerischer Rundfunk and Süddeutsche Read More

My Growth in 11 months in Munich

Time has passed amazingly fast and finally my last day in Munich is coming. Staying here for 11 months is the best experience ever. Here in this introduction post, I declared two goals for this semester. Let’s see how I accomplished these goals #traveling I am so happy that I finally could travel to other Read More

See you, Munich

After this exchange semester in Munich, there are many aspects of the city that I am going to miss. The most prominent is the beautiful nature that is always close at hand. One of the reasons I wanted to go to Munich in the beginning was because it is a big city close to the Read More

Not a ‘goodbye’, but a ‘see you later’

I cannot believe the time has come to say goodbye to Munich. Four months ago, the road before me was seemingly endless, but now I can finally see the end. This has truly been one of the best experiences of my life. While I knew it would be rewarding, I don’t think I could have Read More

Hello again dear readers!

It is nice to say hello again here! I am Ayano, a Japanese exchange student who has been here for almost seven months. Now I have only three months left in Munich — it is short but I believe it is long enough to accomplish my goals. Here, I would like to introduce what I Read More

I’m back !

After a month at home between the two semesters, I’m back in Munich! As I already followed this class last semester, this post will be more like an update than an introduction. If you want the full presentation and a little background, I redirect you to my first post. But for the lazy ones: I’m Julie, Read More

A love letter to Munich

Dear Munich, It’s time to say goodbye, not farewell though. Munich is, from my point of view, one of the most beautiful cities ever. This Erasmus experience has been an opportunity to meet people from all around the world, engage with them, share joys, experiences, traditions, food, and drinks. Erasmus is undoubtedly an opportunity that Read More

This is not a farewell, just a goodbye!

Dear Munich, This experience started with a letter, so it should also end with another! The moment of saying goodbye is always the most difficult when you have spent one of the most beautiful periods of your life! So much has happened during these months: I met new people, made very special friends and had Read More