Social Justice’s Big Injustice

Today’s social media landscape paints the best picture of modern day  ‘democracy’. It is a familiar bandwagon we all love to jump on – someone gets exposed, and society feels irresistibly indignant towards the situation or the victim. We repost and comment on the story, fighting for justice. Before we pat ourselves on the back Read More

You Have No Right

*Warning: This post contains vulgar language which may be profane, vulgar, or offensive to some readers * Abuse is not always loud. It doesn’t always come in strong punches and black eyes. Often, abuse is weaved into words, everyday texts and gestures. Sometimes, even the victim may think he or she is deserving of the pain. ‘Disgusting Read More

Men Shouldn’t Be Making Decisions About Women’s Bodies

I’m sure you all have heard of Alabama’s widely unpopular abortion law. This law effectively outlaws abortion in every stage of pregnancy, even in extreme cases of rape and incest. According to Huffpost, the new law has even drawn the disapproval of groups that are generally anti-abortion. I decided to understand the question of abortion Read More


My name is Fay, and I’m from Singapore. I’m a Communications student and I’m currently in my fourth university semester. I came to Munich with an open heart and mind, not exactly knowing what to expect. My native language is English, and I can barely speak or understand German (Sorry, I really should have learnt Read More