To drink or not to drink?

I often found myself asking this question during my time here in Munich. To drink or not to drink? Most of the time I ended up drinking so much beer that I almost forgot it is okay to so “no” to a beer once in a while. Ofcourse drinking was not the most important factor Read More

Almost the Ultimate Christmas Vibe

Finally, it is December. By far the best month of the year. I like the cold, dark holiday joys. The christmas lights, the decorations, the glühwein, the endless christmas songs on the radio and especially; the christmas markets here in Munich! Back in The Netherlands, ofcourse we celebrate christmas. We do all the same things Read More

A peaceful easy feeling

The first two things that come to my mind when I think about nature are the mountains and the ocean. I visit both every year. There is something about these two things that make me feel at home. Whether it is the Indian Ocean while I was on a surftrip to Bali, or the Bay Read More

I guess I gravitate toward the mountains?

I am born in one of the flattest countries in the world, The Netherlands. I grew up in a relatively small village next to Utrecht, a city right in the middle of all the flatness that The Netherlands has to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I like The Netherlands, but there is one minor thing Read More