This is not a farewell, just a goodbye!

Dear Munich, This experience started with a letter, so it should also end with another! The moment of saying goodbye is always the most difficult when you have spent one of the most beautiful periods of your life! So much has happened during these months: I met new people, made very special friends and had Read More

Munich Diaries: From First Impressions to Lasting Memories

I can’t start this post with any expression different to: “Wow”. It’s going to be really difficult to talk about this experience and put in words all the feelings. experiences and people.  I think the best form to start this post is talking about this city: Munich. I remember the first time I set foot Read More

The Slussen Project in Stockholm: A Forward-Looking Renovation with “Environmental Considerations”

Stockholm’s vibrant heart is currently undergoing a transformative change with the Slussen renovation project. Initiated in 2016, the project not only aims to rejuvenate the iconic location but also emphasizes environmental aspects to create a more sustainable and modern urban structure. Recently we learned that this project will cost more and take years longer than Read More

Bins On Every Corner

When the twinkling lights of Christmas fade, what remains is not only the memory of joy, but also an increase in waste. Intrigued by the piles of rubbish accumulated in my own home, I made my way to the local bins. Come with me to explore how Czechs are navigating waste sorting in their quest Read More

The hardest post I ever write

Time flies! My dear readers, it is my last post for farewell~ What should I write in my farewell post?Honestly, I’m really at a loss when I encounter this question. Looking back to the time when I apply for the exchange, it’s already been two years ago. If I could go back to talk with Read More

My Munich experience: Danke. LG Sofie xx

Dear Munich! This is my little exchange experience summary… Thank you for everything. MY EXPERIENCE GUIDE The roots of my Munich experience stem back to September 2022. Back then, I was in the 3rd month of my 4-month-long holiday and I’d started feeling like I should do something to prevent my brain from clouding over… Read More

It really is goodbye

I cannot believe that this is really goodbye. In my first post of the semester, I wrote “I told you it was not goodbye yet”, but it truly is now. In my first post of the semester, I talked about my goals to travel to countries like Romania, Croatia, and Portugal. Although I never got Read More

People who hate rain come to Munich during the rainy season

First-time step in Europe —— Jojo Hi, everyone! This is the first time I have introduced myself in this way, my name is Josephine, but in order to help others remember me, I usually call myself Jojo. I was born in Wuhan and studied in Hong Kong. My Chinese name is CAO Luyao (曹璐瑶). 璐 Read More

Bis Später München

13 – the days I have left until my flight back home. When Scandinavian Airlines will help me fly home from Munich to Copenhagen to my loved ones on Valentine’s day. I know – cheesy right?  My stay in Munich started with a bang. Arriving at the airport on October 2nd, waiting for hours on Read More

Wake me up when the winter ends

When I type these words, snow is falling again in Munich. The white flakes slowly cover the entire city in white, sweeping away all the bustle. I realize that it is time that I become accustomed to the silent and snowy days of winter. As a kid born in winter, I always look forward to snowfall in my Read More

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