How much can the Thai press express in this era?

Every year on 3rd of May, it is celebrated as World Press Freedom Day. The theme this year is designated by UNESCO as “Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights”. Data from the non-profit organization, Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières: RSF) released the World Press Freedom Index 2023, which surveys Read More

Is Thailand democratic country?

Thailand is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy that was ruled by a King who also served as the head of the country. In a democratic society,  everyone has an equal right to free speech and expression; moreover, the diversity of viewpoints is essential to the development of a nation and society into one Read More

It’s about our rights

‘Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a Driver for All Other Human Rights’ – The World Press Freedom Day 2023 Before I go any further, and even though it might be too late, I’d like to celebrate World Press Freedom Day and thank all those who have long fought for the freedom Read More

Press freedom in chaotic and digitalized world

2023 is the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. People always celebrate a day to remind themselves to remember something important. In this sense, World Press Freedom Day alarms us the importance of freedom of press and expression, which are threatened in this chaotic era. As UN Secretary-General Mr. Guterres said, “Freedom of the Read More

No country has more journalists in prison than China 📰🔇

In the 2022 World Press Freedom Index, the biggest drop this year was in Hong Kong Reporters Without Borders, which has long focused on global press freedom issues, released its 2022 World Press Freedom Index, describing the trend of global press freedom over the past year as “a new era of divergence”. According to the Read More

The Struggle for Press Freedom in Taiwan: From Martial Law to Modern Day Challenges

Freedom of speech is a very normal thing in the eyes of many people, but it was once inconceivable for the Taiwanese in the recent past. Martial Law Period (1949-1987) Martial law in Taiwan had been lasted for 38-year-long, between 20 May 1949 and 14 July 1987, was the second longest imposition of martial law Read More

Is the internet the problem?

When I learned about the Press Freedom Index, I was interested and surprised that their was such a useful and interesting website full of information, that as a Communication major, I had no idea about. So from there I began to explore this resource that was so new to me to try to understand its Read More

The 26th place for France

Every year, the association called “Reporters sans frontières” (Reporters without borders) publishes a ranking relative to press freedom. The association defines press freedom as “the effective possibility for journalists, as individuals and as collectives, to select, produce and disseminate information in the public interest, independently of political, economic, legal and social interference, and without threat Read More

I thought I could survive Zoom without burning out. I was wrong.

Computer-mediated communication has made everything possible in the digital dimension. But it comes at a price, as the human mind and body is exhausted. Luckily, we can do something about it. “I’m not a cat.” What a hilarious statement. Mr. Ponton, a lawyer who was attending an online hearing on Zoom, attempted to claim his Read More

The Gag law under socialist rule

The Spanish Organic Law for the Protection of Public Security – also known as Ley Mordaza (or Gag Law in english) – has now been in force for seven years. The controversial law introduced by the Popular Party (PP), considered by many to be a barrier to freedom of expression, is therefore a barrier to Read More

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