The War on Poverty: Experiencing Poverty Firsthand in America

When Detroit natives, Robert and Rosemary Reid, visited Kentucky for two weeks for humanitarian work, they had no idea how it would impact the rest of their lives. Robert was working at Ford Motor Company in the 1960s when President Lyndon Johnson declared a national “war on poverty”. This political effort aimed at not only Read More

Over the boarder

 Cristian Fernandez (30) moved to the U.S. when he was 16 years old. Having to adjust to a whole new culture and way of life opened his eyes to new possibilities as well as understanding what he is capable of. Why did you move to the U.S.? My dad has U.S. citizenship and wanted us Read More

Can Metal Music Halt the Influence of a White Supremacist Narrative?

Phillip Age 27 Avid Metal Music Listener Earlier when we were speaking doing an Erasmus year you told me you wanted to go to Sweden. Why would you choose Sweden? “It’s an awesome country and I love the culture there. Every German guy says it’s because of the girls but that was the last thing Read More

4 Things To Know About Japan

Aine Adachi is an exchange student at LMU. In this interview, she will be uncovering some truths about the Japanese society, that a lot of people from outside this island country have been wondering about, based oh her personal experience. Hi, Aine. Thank you for doing this interview with me. As I already know, you Read More

First World Philosophy

“Is philosophy outdated?” We will explore this topic with First-World-Philosopher, Dr. Hans-Peter Söder. Born in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, as the only child of a German-Protestant household, Hans-Peter Söder pursued higher education. With a Bachelors degree in Mathematics and Philosophy, a Masters Degree in German Literary History and a PhD in German Intellectual History and Philosophy, today Read More

About Mexican stereotypes.

Throughout my life, diversity has always been highly present. From being born and raised in Mexico to the numerous visits to friends and family in the United States, from my decision to move to Canada and my experience as an exchange student in Europe. All these experiences have put me in a position of open-mindedness Read More

I See Humans But No Humanity

Is the world falling apart? At times it seems like it is. Hearing about mass shootings in America, global warming and the massive internet shutdown in Sudan, makes it hard to believe humans will ever learn how to live on this planet. However, there is still hope and what happened in Italy in the past Read More

Wanna f**k? Please sign here!

An opinion piece about sexual consent I apologize for the presence of sarcasm in my headline. It’s just me being very Danish. Sexual Consent. It’s not really a turn-on for me but it’s necessary. I get that we need a new way to address what rape is and the Danish definition “sex forced by violence” Read More

Equality for everyone

Did you know that women earn for the same amount of work in the same company up to 20 percent less salary than men? On the one hand, the differences arise due to the level of education, the work experience or years of service but on the other hand there are no explanations for that Read More

Don’t tell me how to dress

THAILAND — “You were raped because of the way you dressed; if not by this offender, you would have been abused by another,” a police officer reportedly told a 12-year-old victim. Earlier this year, Thailand’s local authorities issued a warning for women “not to dress sexily” to avoid sexual harassment during Songkran (Thailand’s New year water Read More

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