Meeting with Jordi Orts: from journalism to intercultural communication

In the dynamic world of communication and journalism, there are figures who manage to transcend borders and turn their profession into a window to other cultures. One of these cases is that of Jordi Orts, a Valencian journalist based in Germany, whose career allows us to understand not only journalism in different contexts, but also Read More

From Kyiv to Germany: a journalism student’s journey through two educational worlds

Daryna Honcharuk, a Ukrainian student, completed her bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2022. After a two-year break, she began her master’s studies in Germany at a Hochschule, shifting slightly away from journalism but still within the media field. From her second year of university, she had been planning to study abroad, with Germany as her Read More

In the Heart of the Alps: The Magic of Sölden

by Yuliia Adamiuk and Alisiia Khaukha Situated near Munich in the mountains, the small town of Sölden, Tyrol in Austria captivated us with its fairytale-like atmosphere. At different times of the year, you can see beautiful nature here: mountains, forests, animals and a beautiful sky. According to official site of Sölden ski to get even Read More

Is sustainable travel for Exchange students possible? LMU’s Green Travel contest and student experiences

By Elisa Zuliani Tackling the environmental challenges of international travel during Erasmus is not easy, but initiatives such as the Green Travel Contest at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich prove that sustainable travel is possible. Launched in autumn 2024, the contest invited students to choose low-carbon means of transport, such as trains, buses or carpooling, Read More

Exploring Munich’s Green Heart: The English Garden

This article was co-written by Borbely-Kubina Hannah and Adriana Piñeiro The English Garden (Englischer Garten) is not just Munich’s largest park, it’s a historical and cultural landmark that reflects the city’s unique blend of tradition, nature, and modern leisure. Spanning over 910 acres, it stretches from the city centre to the northeastern districts, making it Read More

Accommodation for International Students in Munich

As I stepped off the plane and felt the crisp air of Munich for the first time, I knew I was embarking on a transformative journey. My name is Ty Chhayhak, and I am a 23-year-old student from Cambodia, now pursuing my studies in Law at LMU. Coming from the capital city of Cambodia, I Read More

Winter Blues? International Students and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Reported By Chia-jui Yang and Jing-wen Lo As the seasons change, leaves turn yellow and fall, while Munich’s sky remains cloaked in thick gray clouds, casting a somber mood over its residents. Often referred to as the “winter blues,” Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a clinical condition characterized by depressive symptoms associated with seasonal changes, Read More

New birth and challenges: How young students inject vitality into Sino-German cultural exchange

By Cunyu Liu & Huan Lin What comes to mind when you think of cultural exchange? Perhaps dazzling international expos, high-profile art exhibitions, or grand cultural festivals. These large-scale events undoubtedly showcase the richness and diversity of Chinese culture. However, the true charm of cultural exchange often lies in smaller, more personal stories. This is Read More

The cost of being female: unpacking the pink tax

by Huan Lin Have you ever encountered this situation? While shopping, you notice that your favorite items in soft colors like pink are significantly more expensive than similar items in other colors. This phenomenon is known as the “pink tax.” It refers to the price premium added by retailers simply because a product has a Read More

My Second Chance

My name is Elisa, I am 21 years old and I come from Bolzano, a fascinating bilingual town in South Tyrol, Italy. I study Communication Sciences and Culture at my hometown University, a trilingual bachelor’s program in Italian, German and English. This winter semester, I find myself here in Munich, like all of you, to Read More

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