“I fear the day when technology surpasses our humanity. The world will only have one generation of idiots ”Albert Einstein. Social networks are becoming increasingly important in our lives. Surely you will agree with this statement, not only has allowed us to reduce distance and time by the rapid transfer of information, networks make us Read More

Humanity needs Humor

Humor covers countless aspects, whether socially, culturally, economically or politically, thus accompanying the human being since its existence. It has no restrictions, it is transversal and crosses continents and oceans, provoking a wide range of expressions in those who feel it and in those who practice it. It is because it belongs to everyone and Read More

And the Oscar of the noblest goes to…

The Oscar ceremony this year coincides with my birthday. For that reason I would like to write a letter like the children write to Santa. The most prestigious event of the 7th Art is about to happen with some different characteristics than the last years.  In the previous years the Oscars were, more a political Read More

Good Intentions with Detrimental Results

Reunification in Michigan’s Foster Care System Michigan- the Great Lakes State, also notoriously known for having some of the worst foster care, adoption, and child protective services. Unfortunately, I know all too much about this subject. Why? My parents are currently under-payed and overworked foster parents to two rambunctious little boys who also happen to Read More

Are we still on time to save the planet?

A lot of scientists have advised for a long time about the consequences of global warming. The economic interests of the big industries have made avoid the situation which that has caused the current serious situation. I think it hasn’t helped either the lack of information and public awareness. Actions such as excessive consumption of Read More

Opinion Piece: VEGANISM

I’ve now been Vegetarian for 8 months, and that’s why I consider it’s a very important issue nowadays which I would like to talk about. Veganism is avoiding the use and consumption of products and services of other animal species. It has spread like wildfire in recent years, whether due to ethical or moral prejudices Read More

Don’t Touch My Hair

Don’t touch my belongings, don’t touch my body, and, most importantly, don’t touch my hair. This is an issue that has historically plagued African Americans. As one of the most prominent parts of our anatomy, no matter the length or type, we share the same experiences with our hair. As a child, my haircare was Read More


The report I’m going to talk is about a very controversial topic nowadays which is the globalization that is happening in the world. Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, is considered by some as a form of capitalist expansion which entails Read More

Taking my life back

 “Have you ever felt so trapped in your life that you didn’t know a way out? Have you ever confided in people and have them tell you how simple and straight forward your problem is, when deep down you know it’s not? Have you ever completely detached yourself from the world due to the lack Read More

Gender Violence in Spain

The report I am going to make is about gender violence in  Spain, it is a social problem that is very important in my country and therefore I have decided to learn more about this topic. I have collected information from different pages and Spanish newspapers to carry out this report. The Spanish Government allocates Read More

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