Fear of unemployment after graduation?
Authors . Society . Student lifeAs the day of graduation draws near, the perennial question of “what comes next” looms ever larger in the minds of students. Amidst the backdrop of today’s economic uncertainties and external variables, the prospect of employment after graduation can seem like a daunting riddle. It’s only natural for students to harbor concerns about their impending
From Amsterdam to Munich
UncategorizedAll countries have differences, but there are also a lot of simularities even more if the countries border each other.

Learning to “be human” – Giada’s experience as obstetrician in Ethiopia
Authors . CultureAt the end of April 2023, Giada left her home country (Italy) to live an experience of three months in an Ethiopian hospital, doing what she is studying for: to become an obstetrician. “I would say that going to Africa has always been a dream for me. However, I don’t mean Africa as a continent,
My LOVE to Munich — having been here for 2 months
AuthorsIn Japan, we use three kinds of characters – chinese characters, hiragana and katakana. One difference between our characters and the alphabet might be the fact that every Chinese character has its meaning. It means that words with different characters but same pronunciation have different meanings. Hello all, I am Ayano, an exchange student from
Hi All! 안녕!
AuthorsI am Sua Jung, from a city called Suwon in South Korea. If you haven’t heard of it, now you have! I have a twin sister who is just a minute younger than me. She went on an exchange last winter, and her experience greatly impacted my contemplation of embarking on a similar journey. Besides,
Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here
UncategorizedCiao! My name is Rebecca and I am an Italian Erasmus student in Munich, as you might imagine since I am writing on this blog. I was born in August 2002 (that makes me a Virgo, fortunately or not) and I come from a beautiful small city called Ancona, situated on the Adriatic coast of
From Xinyan – Hi everyone!
UncategorizedHi everyone! Nice to meet you all! I’m Xinyan He from China. I feel truly excited and great to be here in the IFKW. It has left me a deep impression of warmth and hospitality since I was accepted as an exchange student. And I really want to make a lot of friends here. Now
From the Dolomites to Munich
AuthorsHi everyone! My name is Giada, I come from Italy and I am 20 years old. I’d like to introduce myself with some wolds that can quickly describe me, such as nature, winter, art, homemade and sports. I live in a little village named Pellizzano surrounded by mountains, to be more precise, the well known
Through Alps to Munich
UncategorizedHello everyone, I am Riccardo and I turned 25 last 12th of October, six days after arriving in Munich. The lessons and the presentations were yet to come, but I was lucky to share that day with other Erasmus people that I met during the presentation of the department of Media and Communication. Something more
Prost, Munich !
TravelI’m Julie, a french student in Erasmus here for a year. For my last year of bachelor, I wanted to go abroad to change my habits in a different culture. I have been here for about a month now, and all the doubts I had coming here and leaving everything I knew are already gone.