Some words about me

Hey! My name is Milana Gadzhieva. It seems to me that by my name and surname it’s easy to guess that I am from Russia. However, almost every time I meet new people abroad, I’m told that I don’t look like a “Russian” because I have black hair and eyes. And it makes me happy Read More

The Search for Identity

Hello guys! First of all, I’m gonna introduce myself. My name is Cherry Halim and I was born on June 29, 2001 in Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia. Many of my friends are questioning my name, whether it’s really Cherry or I just made it by myself. But yep that’s my real name given by Read More

A Great Year Ahead of Us

A couple of years ago I didn’t even know what Erasmus was. Now, I know it is going to make this one of the best years of my life. Starting From the Beginning I was born and raised in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. A very small town where everybody knows each other. My family and friends completely Read More

Introducing me

Starting with the basics, my name is Claudia. I never liked my name and I’m not really sure why, but even though I’ve tried to intoduce myself as Clau only my closest friends call me that, so I guess in a way I’ve made my peace with it. I live in Almería, which is in Read More

What if I didn’t go to Munich?

Okay, before I take you through this thought experiment here’s a few things that wouldn’t have changed: I would still be: named Nikolaj (I guess), 28 years old (but now I’m the old guy among the Erasmus students haha), Danish, working in radio (for 3-4 years now), loving storytelling using sound, a big football and Read More

Are you from Amsterdam?

Oh, from the Netherlands? Are you from Amsterdam? Do you know the coffee shops? These are the questions I received a couple of times after introducing myself. I am from the Netherlands, yes. I am not from Amsterdam because I am from Utrecht. And yes, I know the coffee shops even though I don’t use Read More

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Hallo! Leuk jullie te ontmoeten. Can you guess what language I’m saying this in? It’s Dutch! I’m Michelle (everyone calls me: Mies), 21 years and from the Netherlands. No, I’m not from Amsterdam. There are more cities in the Netherlands than just Amsterdam. I live and study in Utrecht. It’s a cozy city 30 minutes away from Read More

Tourist in my own country

Hello there, my name is Isabeau and I’m 24 years old. I grew up in Germany, but I am half Dutch/ half English and doing my Bachelor in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a great place to study, and the Dutch culture is completely different compared with the German culture I can tell! You might Read More

Hi, it’s me

Hello, my name is Jakub Grim. I study journalism and areal studies with a focus on Central Europe and Balkan. I come from the Czech Republic. I live and I have always lived in Prague. I usually tell people here that I am from Prague, because most people know it rather than the Czech Republic. Read More

Welcome to All About Me!

Hello, My name is Gabrielle Gez but I am much more comfortable with just Gabi. For the most part, only my mother calls me Gabrielle and it is usually used when I am in trouble; so my full name is actually quite intimidating to hear. What am I? Whilst being in Munich where I am Read More

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