Try It Out

On Tuesday, my uncle asked me a question: what is your plan for the master’s degree and future job? aaaaaa I froze for a moment. For a long time, I always categorized myself as someone who had a clear goal for both study and working career. However, perplexity seized me from time to time. There Read More

This is not a farewell, just a goodbye!

Dear Munich, This experience started with a letter, so it should also end with another! The moment of saying goodbye is always the most difficult when you have spent one of the most beautiful periods of your life! So much has happened during these months: I met new people, made very special friends and had Read More

The Impact of Social Media on Youth’s Self-Esteem and Self-Image

In our information-driven society, social media has become an essential part of our society. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Twitter are now crucial aspects of our daily lives and significantly influence users’ perception of themselves and their self-esteem. Read More

May we all have the courage to choose our own paths—a brief interview with Zoey

Zoey is a girl from China, currently in her second year of undergraduate studies at the IFKW. She has spent over two years in Germany. We first met in one of our major courses, and we knew each other better as our hometown is close. In a brief conversation, I learned that after studying in Read More

Fear of unemployment after graduation?

As the day of graduation draws near, the perennial question of “what comes next” looms ever larger in the minds of students. Amidst the backdrop of today’s economic uncertainties and external variables, the prospect of employment after graduation can seem like a daunting riddle. It’s only natural for students to harbor concerns about their impending Read More

My Munich experience: Danke. LG Sofie xx

Dear Munich! This is my little exchange experience summary… Thank you for everything. MY EXPERIENCE GUIDE The roots of my Munich experience stem back to September 2022. Back then, I was in the 3rd month of my 4-month-long holiday and I’d started feeling like I should do something to prevent my brain from clouding over… Read More

See you soon, Munich!

A HARD GOODBYE Over the course of the last 3 months, I have been so lucky to have a taste of what living in Munich is like. From learning about different cultures and making friends from all around the world, to travelling to different countries over the weekend, to gaining independence from having to live Read More

Pursuing a Dream Job: Empowering Global Communication for a Better World

In an era of interconnectedness, where the world is more closely knit than ever before, the power of effective communication cannot be underestimated. As an aspiring professional in the field of International Communication, my dream job goes beyond personal success and encompasses the desire to convey meaningful and credible stories to the world, ultimately making Read More

From Copywriting to Conversing with AI: Redefining My Dream Job in Communication

Hey there, fellow communication enthusiasts! Today, I want to spill the beans on my dream job and how it’s taken an unexpected twist in the age of AI. As a student specializing in marketing and PR, I’ve always had a soft spot for writing, which led me to fantasize about becoming a copywriter. But hold Read More

Lexie meets ChatGPT

My dream job is to be a lawyer, specifically doing something with either the auto industry or finances, and ideally with traveling involved! I think this could be very fun for me and I am taking the steps to get there!  To become a lawyer in the United States according to ChatGPT, a person must Read More