Is the internet the problem?

When I learned about the Press Freedom Index, I was interested and surprised that their was such a useful and interesting website full of information, that as a Communication major, I had no idea about. So from there I began to explore this resource that was so new to me to try to understand its Read More

I told you it was not a goodbye yet

Hello everyone! If you are new to reading this blog, I am Lexie, an international student studying in Munich all the way from the USA. When I am in the USA, I live in Michigan and absolutely love it. I think my favorite part is that we have all 4 seasons! And there is nothing Read More

Oh well- I guess all good things come to an end?

Within three weeks I am packing up my stuff, which is A LOT more than when I first came to Munich, and traveling back to Sweden. These past months have truly gone by so fast! It feels like yesterday when I was walking in a sunny Englischer Garten for the first time, being amazed by Read More

Venice: between fairytale and nightmare

“There is a glorious City in the Sea.The Sea is in the broad, the narrow streets,Ebbing and flowing; and the salt sea-weedClings to the marble of her palaces.No track of men, no footsteps to and fro,Lead to her gates. The path lies o’er the Sea,Invisible; and from the land we went,As to a floating City Read More

In between dreams and disillusionments – visions of jobs

Last week, my friend and I got invested in a conversation with the guys sitting next to us on the train from Nuremberg to Munich. Indeed, our chat was so interesting that it lasted for the full two-hour ride. The two guys were from Albania and Kosovo and, by chance, they are also studying at Read More

Continue reading if you need some motivational speech about adult working life.

I left my job. Great colleagues and manager, flexible working hours, a dog-friendly 🐶 office, many teambuilding activities, well-paid job in a prospering and growing marketing agency. But I did not feel I could be the most successful in this field. Erasmus helped me realize that it is not just about having an okay job. Read More

Dream big for your dream job

Where do you see yourself in five years from now? People ask this question pretty often, especially after high school, as if we know what we are going to do even in a week or so. There is a lot of pressure on knowing exactly what to do in the future, but what I believe Read More

Dream job – Ludovica

Imagine waking up every day with a smile on your face, motivated to start a new day at work. Imagine being passionate about your job, coming back home satisfied because you have contributed to improve people’s lives. It may sound like a utopia, but this is exactly what I want my future to be like.The Read More

Apart from learning: how Coronavirus is undermining a generation’s future

Over the last months, thousands of children and teenagers have spent their days alone in front of a screen – this raises difficult questions about the future of a generation. Read More