LMU Kino: A Cheap and Alternative Student-run Cinema

One of my favorite discoveries since my arrival here in Munich has been LMU Kino. This student-run initiative shows alternative movies, foreign films, cult classics or movies that have passed under history’s radar every Wednesday evening. The best part – tickets only cost 2.50 euros. The movies screened are seldom blockbusters and a lot of Read More


I was born in the capital of a country full of cultural diversity. I was born among the smiles and delicious food of a warm and cheerful society. Colombia is a very big country, full of colorful and exotic landscapes, but also of cities that never, ever sleep. As expected, each country has a specific Read More

Is eating a “100 years old egg” in Berlin a crime?

Today I am twenty years old. Each day I have a lunch and a dinner like most of us have in our European countries. Every month I will eat fifty-six meals. During a year, my stomach and intestines will digest almost 2968 lunches and dinners. That is a lot, I know. But most of the Read More

Nature is a part of us

Nature is something relative to us. To some it is the park in the middle of the city, to others it is the field in their backyard or the countryside. To many, especially in the developing world, it can represent destruction. Some see it as a force we can abuse others one we should fear. Read More


09.16.2018. My sixteenth day in Munich. A really special day with many unexpecting things to see! Let’s face it: During the morning I planned to go for a walk in the famous “Englisher Garten”. I remembered having been very astonished by this huge green place you can find in the center of Munich. With an Read More

A festival, a boat and saving a bunny from starvation

While I personally don’t often set out to view nature myself, I have a lot of friends who feel a strong connection to nature. I can experience nature as beautiful as much as any other person, however it usually isn’t my idea of spending time. That said, because some of my friends do have that Read More

My growing appreciation for nature

When I think about nature in the Netherlands, I immediately get a negative feeling, especially in the winter months. Grey skies, a lot of rain and the cold. When I lived in the Netherlands, I rather stayed inside with a cup of hot chocolate and watching Netflix movies than go out of the house. Thinking Read More

Kramerspitz: 1,985 Meters of Beautiful Exhaustion

My lungs are burning. My legs are aching. My feet are sore. The still, silent air is only broken by the sound of our group’s heavy breathing. And though I am suffering physically, I am enthralled to be here. The beauty of the rugged and wild landscape is striking. Under the cold and bright sun, Read More

Nature is in everything

The orange and yellow leaves that are slowly swirling down the trees make the streets look full of colour. The empty trees and the branches that are moving from left to right through the wind. It is autumn! The temperature drops most of the days although some days feel like summer all over again. People Read More

Driving to Schloss Neuschwanstein and Königssee

Finally, the scene of the sunset on our way to Munich. The sky was divided into two colors, light blue and light orange. Under the sky background, we were driving on the German highway. I think this kind of experience will be one of the most unforgettable memories for me~ Read More

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